- 1). Decide whether you want to become a real estate broker or hire a broker. Either way, a broker must be in charge of the real estate side of the business.
- 2). Decide if you want to purchase a franchise or start an independent real estate company.
- 3). Find a location to set up your business. A real estate company should have high visibility from a busy street, as people often come into a real estate office on the spur of the moment.
- 4). Get a business license from your city or county. Find out what other requirements there are for setting up a new business.
- 5). Contact the local board of realtors and become a member. Membership will give you access to the latest laws and regulations in the industry.
- 6). Become known in the community by joining local real estate agent tours.
- 7). Become a member of the local chamber of commerce.
- 8). Hire real estate agents. Choose agents who have the same goals and work ethics as you do.
- 9). Get listings (properties to be sold).
- 10
Market your company and your listings.