- 1). Get into the community to let others know about your business and the services and products you offer. Talk to as many people as you can and remember to greet them, shake hands and introduce yourself. Your image will reflect that of your business upon a first meeting. In "The Big Book of Small Business," by Tom Gegax, the author invents an acronym called WHENS for initially greeting clients that stands for "...Welcome, Handshake, Eye contact, Name, Smile."
- 2). Design a website with the help of a web professional or on your own. Include a simple email and ordering platform on the site for ease of use by customers and clients. Save the information of anyone who uses the website.
- 3). Create a business card with your website and other contact information. Hand these out whenever possible. Get corresponding contact information in return.
- 4). Keep track of your client contact information on a simple sketchpad or word document. Type in each person's name or business name, her business address and home address, website address and phone number along with the nature of her business.
- 5). Transfer your client data to a spreadsheet program. Enter each piece of information into one of the columns or rows to keep your contacts organized and easily accessible.