Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Test Results: Ensuring Accuracy

Once a woman misses her period, she starts to have the feeling pregnant blues. Some start to feel dizzy. They begin craving for certain food. If you are indeed pregnant, then you are simply experiencing the early signs of pregnancy. If you are not pregnant, this may be a result of too much excitement or paranoia. Whether or not you're expecting a baby, this stage can bring emotional dilemma to you and even to your partner. The only way to confirm your pregnancy is by taking a pregnancy test. But how do you ensure that you only get accurate pregnancy results? Are home pregnancy kits reliable enough? What is an online pregnancy test?
Home pregnancy tests work by detecting pregnancy hormones, also known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. Such hormone is secreted by the placenta after a fertilized egg is implanted in the lining of your uterus. And so, once the hormone is found in your urine, your pregnancy test results will indicate a positive.
But how soon can you conduct a pregnancy test? Most doctors and HPT manufacturers recommend that you take a home pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period which falls around the second week after conception. There are; however, some kits which were especially designed to be more sensitive than the others and can be taken earlier. Just keep in mind to read the instructions very carefully and interpret the results correctly. Pregnancy test results administered at home are said to be 97% accurate. If you want a more accurate result, you can undergo through a blood test administered by your physician. This test is said to be more sensitive than HPTs and can even detect pregnancy on the second week of conception.
Apart from home pregnancy kits, an online pregnancy test may also being considered by some women. An online pregnancy test does not necessarily tell you whether you're pregnant or not. They simply compute the odds by asking a variety of questions about your menstrual cycle, how active your sexual life is, your last intercourse and a few other factors. You answer quizzes with these themes and then an automatic online computation which measures the odds and your chance of getting pregnant will give you the result. Online pregnancy tests should never be taken seriously. While, yes they help in determining your chances of getting pregnant, online calculations are never accurate.
The best way and the most accurate pregnancy results are those which are administered by your physician. As mentioned above, blood pregnancy tests are said to be more accurate than home pregnancy tests. However, if you can't wait, you can opt for an HPT once you start feeling the early signs of pregnancy just to give you a temporary confirmation. But then again to avoid false hopes, always check with your doctor and have another pregnancy test, this time using blood test, administered.
There are many ways to take pregnancy tests. So stop wallowing in your dilemma now and get a confirmation as soon as you can.
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