Twilight. Till the other day it reminded of the famous "Twilight Zone" episodes and other horror movies. Today, it immediately brings to the mind the pale handsome face of Edward Cullen and the beautiful face of Bella Swan. It reminds you of the Twilight books.
The four part Twilight series has evoked immense curiosity and interest. The young audience is obviously in the grip of the supernatural romance though the older ones are sniggering at the plotline. It is even being said that the final part, "Breaking Dawn", has ruined the charm of the whole series and ended the dream-like atmosphere on a rather rough note. Whether Stephenie Meyer has given us a good piece of literature to relax with in our after hours is perhaps, questionable. But there is no doubt that it has already become one of the most popular literary works in recent times. It has matched and has possibly even surpassed the popularity of the Harry Potter Series. There is also a Hollywood movie franchise based on these novels.
Passages and lines from the four part "Twilight" series are here, there, everywhere. You can find such Twilight love quotes being referred to on romantic cards and websites.
He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch.
~ Bella.
I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
~ Edward Cullen.
Young readers are particularly in love with the Twilight books. The romance between the vampire Edward and human Bella has struck the right chord with young lovers. You can find your best friend quoting them. You can find your sweetheart whispering them. You can see your teenage kids madly in love with popular Twilight quotes like
Look after My Heart, I Have Left It with You.
Having you know about everything, not needing ... more than that. I like it. It makes me…happy.
If I Could Dream at All, It Would Be about You. and I'm Not Ashamed of It.
Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Celebrities are going on and on about how much they have loved the Twilight books. Twilight series quotes can be found on T-shirts, romantic gifts, coffee jars, mugs and wherever you set your eyes on.
If you want some good Twilight quotes, you can get a beautiful collection at
Have fun,
Madhumita Roy.
The four part Twilight series has evoked immense curiosity and interest. The young audience is obviously in the grip of the supernatural romance though the older ones are sniggering at the plotline. It is even being said that the final part, "Breaking Dawn", has ruined the charm of the whole series and ended the dream-like atmosphere on a rather rough note. Whether Stephenie Meyer has given us a good piece of literature to relax with in our after hours is perhaps, questionable. But there is no doubt that it has already become one of the most popular literary works in recent times. It has matched and has possibly even surpassed the popularity of the Harry Potter Series. There is also a Hollywood movie franchise based on these novels.
Passages and lines from the four part "Twilight" series are here, there, everywhere. You can find such Twilight love quotes being referred to on romantic cards and websites.
He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch.
~ Bella.
I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
~ Edward Cullen.
Young readers are particularly in love with the Twilight books. The romance between the vampire Edward and human Bella has struck the right chord with young lovers. You can find your best friend quoting them. You can find your sweetheart whispering them. You can see your teenage kids madly in love with popular Twilight quotes like
Look after My Heart, I Have Left It with You.
Having you know about everything, not needing ... more than that. I like it. It makes me…happy.
If I Could Dream at All, It Would Be about You. and I'm Not Ashamed of It.
Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Celebrities are going on and on about how much they have loved the Twilight books. Twilight series quotes can be found on T-shirts, romantic gifts, coffee jars, mugs and wherever you set your eyes on.
If you want some good Twilight quotes, you can get a beautiful collection at
Have fun,
Madhumita Roy.