- 1). Wait to transplant the carnation seedlings until they have four or more leaves, the weather has warmed, and all threat of frost is over.
- 2). Work the soil with the garden spade to a depth of 1 to 2 feet. Add 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of the soil, and work this in with the garden spade. Rake the soil smooth to finish preparing the soil.
- 3). Dig holes for the carnation seedlings that are 4 inches deep and 6 inches apart. Make the rows 1 foot apart. Place one carnation seedling into each hole, and fill in the soil around the roots of the seedlings.
- 4). Water the seedlings immediately after planting. Water one or two times per week if there's no rain.
- 5). Fertilize the seedlings two months after planting. Mix the fertilizer with water according to package recommendations for the size of your planting area. Fertilize every month for the remainder of the growing season.
- 6). Pinch the carnation seedlings back with your fingers one week after planting so that they are all approximately 3 inches tall. This will help the carnations grow into sturdy, bushy plants.
- 7). Stake the carnations if they do not stay upright as they grow.