Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Managing Diabetes Through Diet And Exercise, Part 2

Managing your Type 2 diabetes doesn't have to be impossible.
It doesn't even have to be all that hard, either.
Unfortunately, we often tend to make it much more difficult for ourselves than it need be.
The bad news is Type 2 diabetes is not going to fix itself.
The good news though, is you can take some simple steps which will make all the difference.
In this second part of the three-part series, we give you a few more simple ways to help you manage your disease...
Know which foods are your "trigger" foods.
If you know you just can't resist pasta, then dining at your favorite Italian restaurant is setting yourself up for disaster.
If you have a strong sweet tooth...
then strolling into a bakery or a candy store is probably not a good idea.
You have to know what triggers your cravings and stay right away from the temptation.
Limit stress.
Stress is going to occur in your life.
We are now exposed to far more stressors than previous generations have been.
Negative health consequences attributed to stress includes:
  • Type 2 diabetes,
  • heart disease,
  • obesity from compulsive eating,
  • liver disease from alcoholism,
  • chronic headaches,
  • ulcers,
  • colitis
  • panic disorders, and
  • suicide.
The trick is to limit the amount of stress you expose your body to.
When stress is rampant the hormone cortisol is automatically released.
Cortisol damages your body in many ways, including interfering with Type 2 diabetes.
Learn ways to respond to the stress in your environment.
Stress management ideas and advice are everywhere.
Put down the cigarettes.
Smoking is not only unhealthy for you, but it is downright deadly.
It ushers in a laundry list of serious medical conditions from emphysema to high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, cancer and many, many more.
But it also directly and negatively impacts diabetes also.
It will do you very little good to eat healthily, exercise...
and then continue smoking.
People who smoke have a 44 percent increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared with non-smokers.
So there is a connection! 4.
Eat healthily.
This is good advice for anyone, but for a diabetic whose very disease is directly impacted by their food choices, it is much more than a mere suggestion: it is a necessity.
Your food choices either give your body exactly what it needs to keep you healthy and to help your blood sugar remain under control, or it starves your body of what it needs and forces it to do without.
Your body is only able to process what it has to work with.
If you choose not to give it the proper fuel it needs to stay healthy and keep your blood sugar controlled, then you will be guaranteed to suffer the consequences.
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