Delight in the Path "And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love" (verse 47).
The psalmist loves the Giver and the gift.
Ten times the psalmist says he loves God's word.
If you love Jesus, the Living Word, you will love His words.
Walk with a wholehearted purpose He is intentional about the path he is taking for the Lord.
He knows that if his mind is not filled with the word of God that his heart can go astray.
What we treasure in our hearts guides our thoughts and our actions.
Like the psalmist, let your heart lead you through the journey of life.
"With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments.
Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (verses 10-11).
God made us with a yearning to find a purpose in life.
As we seek that purpose, we need to be focused.
We can get caught up in the minutiae of living and neglect to accomplish God's will.
We cannot be divided.
Looking forward by faith to the Messiah's fulfillment of the law and the offer of grace through His sacrifice, the psalmist knew that his love for God would be evident as he kept His commandments.
Stay on the Path Yes, you've made your choice.
You've determined to love God and obey Him.
You must continue to choose.
Stay on the path.
The psalmist determines not to wander (verse 10).
He does not turn aside (verse 51) nor did he forsake God's precepts (verse 87).
When I walk on the path in my hometown, I have noticed poison ivy on the side.
If I stay on the path, I'm OK.
If I get off the path, I can get in trouble.
Jesus has done the hard work for you.
He has already set an example of what it is like to walk in God's ways and do His will.
This psalmist is determined to follow the path of obedience.
Watch for Obstacles When I walk through the woods or my footpath in Texas, there are many times when I have to deal with obstacles in the path.
Maybe there was a storm that caused a large branch or tree to fall into the pathway.
Maybe there was so much rain the path was not safe.
Sometimes there are animals in the path.
Obstacles and trials are inevitable.
The psalmist was determined not to wander, but had to deal with obstacles nonetheless.
Satan will always try to get us to stray.
We need to work our way through keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Some of the obstacles are of our own making (verses 67, 71, 75, 92).
Look for Treasure As I take walks, I look down as I am walking and have on occasion found some treasures (money someone has dropped, a beautiful flower, pecans, etc).
I would not notice these things if I wasn't looking.
I get great joy when I study God's word and find treasures I have never seen before.
I would not find them if I was not looking.
"I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure" (verse 162).
God's words serve as a map for the path He wants you to take.
The psalmist does not separate the law of the Lord from the Lord Himself.
If you love God's law, you love God.
Jesus made this clear as well.
The God who loves you wants to bless you, but you must choose to evidence your love for him through your obedience.
Distinguish between the treasures of God and the treasures of the world.
"The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver (verse 72).
We store our treasures in our hearts.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things" (Matthew 12:35).
Invite Others to Walk with You This psalmist has a personal relationship with God, seeks His will with his whole heart, but knows that God's purpose for his life includes bringing others to that understanding.
He knows he is part of a larger family of God and that others are brought into the family just as he was - by discovering God's love.
As he benefits from the richness of God's love, he also wants others to know Him as well.
"Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble" (verse 165).
Delight in the Path "And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love" (verse 47).
The psalmist loves the Giver and the gift.
Ten times the psalmist says he loves God's word.
If you love Jesus, the Living Word, you will love His words.
Walk with a wholehearted purpose He is intentional about the path he is taking for the Lord.
He knows that if his mind is not filled with the word of God that his heart can go astray.
What we treasure in our hearts guides our thoughts and our actions.
Like the psalmist, let your heart lead you through the journey of life.
"With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments.
Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (verses 10-11).
God made us with a yearning to find a purpose in life.
As we seek that purpose, we need to be focused.
We can get caught up in the minutiae of living and neglect to accomplish God's will.
We cannot be divided.
Looking forward by faith to the Messiah's fulfillment of the law and the offer of grace through His sacrifice, the psalmist knew that his love for God would be evident as he kept His commandments.
Stay on the Path Yes, you've made your choice.
You've determined to love God and obey Him.
You must continue to choose.
Stay on the path.
The psalmist determines not to wander (verse 10).
He does not turn aside (verse 51) nor did he forsake God's precepts (verse 87).
When I walk on the path in my hometown, I have noticed poison ivy on the side.
If I stay on the path, I'm OK.
If I get off the path, I can get in trouble.
Jesus has done the hard work for you.
He has already set an example of what it is like to walk in God's ways and do His will.
This psalmist is determined to follow the path of obedience.
Watch for Obstacles When I walk through the woods or my footpath in Texas, there are many times when I have to deal with obstacles in the path.
Maybe there was a storm that caused a large branch or tree to fall into the pathway.
Maybe there was so much rain the path was not safe.
Sometimes there are animals in the path.
Obstacles and trials are inevitable.
The psalmist was determined not to wander, but had to deal with obstacles nonetheless.
Satan will always try to get us to stray.
We need to work our way through keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Some of the obstacles are of our own making (verses 67, 71, 75, 92).
Look for Treasure As I take walks, I look down as I am walking and have on occasion found some treasures (money someone has dropped, a beautiful flower, pecans, etc).
I would not notice these things if I wasn't looking.
I get great joy when I study God's word and find treasures I have never seen before.
I would not find them if I was not looking.
"I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure" (verse 162).
God's words serve as a map for the path He wants you to take.
The psalmist does not separate the law of the Lord from the Lord Himself.
If you love God's law, you love God.
Jesus made this clear as well.
The God who loves you wants to bless you, but you must choose to evidence your love for him through your obedience.
Distinguish between the treasures of God and the treasures of the world.
"The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver (verse 72).
We store our treasures in our hearts.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things" (Matthew 12:35).
Invite Others to Walk with You This psalmist has a personal relationship with God, seeks His will with his whole heart, but knows that God's purpose for his life includes bringing others to that understanding.
He knows he is part of a larger family of God and that others are brought into the family just as he was - by discovering God's love.
As he benefits from the richness of God's love, he also wants others to know Him as well.
"Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble" (verse 165).