Have you ever thought about generating affordable solar power? If not, then it’s just about time that you seriously take it into consideration as affordable solar power systems are now within the reach of the masses. Gone are the days when only governments and big companies had the resources to invest in generating solar power. With the advent of technology it’s very much possible and affordable for the common man to generate solar power and save heaps, by slashing down the electric bills up to 80% without reducing the usage.
With dwindling resources such as fossil fuel, which is the primary contributor in production of commercially available energy and increasing supply v/s demand ratio, the energy prices are sky-rocketing and will always continue to rise. Energy prices have shot up sharply and are enough to burn a hole in one’s pocket. The big question is, how much are you prepared to pay?
The most common myth that is prevalent in society and the primary reason why people shy away from generating solar power is due to a misconception that is, solar power is expensive to generate. Well, sure it is, if you decide to buy a readymade solar power kit from market it would leave you poorer by anything within $1000-$10000. However what you don’t know is that an affordable solar power kit can be made by you using raw materials which are easily available at the local hardware store for less than....drumroll please...... $200! And also if you choose to make one for yourself, it would only take half a weekend to setup and have a solar power system up and running.
Now taking into consideration that you can build your own affordable solar power system for less then $200 and the fact that solar power systems are maintenance free and have an average life span of 30-35 years, for such a small investment you will be saving thousands of dollars in the long run. Detailed procedure for setting these affordable solar power systems can be found in several DIY guides that show the minutest details ranging from what all raw material you require to make an affordable solar power kit to setting them up. Try to go for a DIY guide that has videos included and if they have an online forum where you can chat with other DIY enthusiasts, it would be a great added bonus.
With dwindling resources such as fossil fuel, which is the primary contributor in production of commercially available energy and increasing supply v/s demand ratio, the energy prices are sky-rocketing and will always continue to rise. Energy prices have shot up sharply and are enough to burn a hole in one’s pocket. The big question is, how much are you prepared to pay?
The most common myth that is prevalent in society and the primary reason why people shy away from generating solar power is due to a misconception that is, solar power is expensive to generate. Well, sure it is, if you decide to buy a readymade solar power kit from market it would leave you poorer by anything within $1000-$10000. However what you don’t know is that an affordable solar power kit can be made by you using raw materials which are easily available at the local hardware store for less than....drumroll please...... $200! And also if you choose to make one for yourself, it would only take half a weekend to setup and have a solar power system up and running.
Now taking into consideration that you can build your own affordable solar power system for less then $200 and the fact that solar power systems are maintenance free and have an average life span of 30-35 years, for such a small investment you will be saving thousands of dollars in the long run. Detailed procedure for setting these affordable solar power systems can be found in several DIY guides that show the minutest details ranging from what all raw material you require to make an affordable solar power kit to setting them up. Try to go for a DIY guide that has videos included and if they have an online forum where you can chat with other DIY enthusiasts, it would be a great added bonus.