Maintaining a home is a huge responsibility. But for some of us who work full time and have kids as well as other extra curricular activities, it can be really hard to find the time and energy to keep the house clean and well organized. Cleaning the house would probably be the last thing in your mind if you are in the same situation. Contrary to popular belief, it really does not take a lot of effort to keep your home in tip top shape. If you can just incorporate these tasks and turn them into daily habits, then it can definitely make a huge difference on the orderliness of your home. Here are some of them.
1. Make your bed as soon as you wake up. This is probably one of the chores that a lot of people hate. Some people even skip making their beds because they think that it's just going to get messy again anyway. Well here's the thing, you use your bed for sleeping and relaxing, but how can you relax if your sheets are all over the place? By tidying up your bed once you wake up, you can instantly make your room look well organized. Making your bed in the morning also prevents dust, dirt and other creepy crawlers from getting underneath the covers during the day. Apart from that, since this task is routinary, it also instills discipline that can influence other aspects of your life. If you have kids, having them make their beds is a good way to teach them discipline.
2. Wipe your bathroom after showering. Make it a habit to wipe your bathroom mirrors and shower enclosures every day. This is to prevent water marks and soap scums from forming which could make your bathroom look gross and dirty. Another tip is to remove the contents of your bathroom garbage bin before retiring for the night. This prevents your bathroom from stinking and accumulating bacteria.
3. Walk around the house before you sleep and pick up any mess that you see. Waking up to a clean home can make you feel good throughout the day, so take a few minutes each night, before you sleep and pick up around the house. Try to do this every day to prevent clutter from accumulating. Besides, it is easier to clean a mess when it's still small and manageable.
These habits are relatively easy to form as long as you're focused. Devoting just five minutes each day to deal with clutter can bring big changes in your home in no time. Always remember that daily habits like these is they key to a more organized house and mind. Happy organizing!
1. Make your bed as soon as you wake up. This is probably one of the chores that a lot of people hate. Some people even skip making their beds because they think that it's just going to get messy again anyway. Well here's the thing, you use your bed for sleeping and relaxing, but how can you relax if your sheets are all over the place? By tidying up your bed once you wake up, you can instantly make your room look well organized. Making your bed in the morning also prevents dust, dirt and other creepy crawlers from getting underneath the covers during the day. Apart from that, since this task is routinary, it also instills discipline that can influence other aspects of your life. If you have kids, having them make their beds is a good way to teach them discipline.
2. Wipe your bathroom after showering. Make it a habit to wipe your bathroom mirrors and shower enclosures every day. This is to prevent water marks and soap scums from forming which could make your bathroom look gross and dirty. Another tip is to remove the contents of your bathroom garbage bin before retiring for the night. This prevents your bathroom from stinking and accumulating bacteria.
3. Walk around the house before you sleep and pick up any mess that you see. Waking up to a clean home can make you feel good throughout the day, so take a few minutes each night, before you sleep and pick up around the house. Try to do this every day to prevent clutter from accumulating. Besides, it is easier to clean a mess when it's still small and manageable.
These habits are relatively easy to form as long as you're focused. Devoting just five minutes each day to deal with clutter can bring big changes in your home in no time. Always remember that daily habits like these is they key to a more organized house and mind. Happy organizing!