Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Interior Painting Tips - Painting Behind Bathroom Toilets

Painting in tight quarters can prove to be difficult and aggravating in itself, but when it comes to painting behind a toilet things can get messy.
Most folks just brush around the toilet then roll the paint up to the area that has been brushed out.
There are a couple of problems with this technique in that the brush cannot get all the way behind the toilet.
This leaves for an area that has not been painted and when standing in front of the toilet you can see this area, which does not look good.
Another issue with this technique is that when using a brush it leaves brush marks in the paint when it dries, revealing an area that does not blend well.
However, there are still a couple of options left for painting behind a bathroom toilet which can be explored.
One of these options would be to remove the toilet from the bathroom.
However, when doing this you must know how to get the toilet back in and working properly or consult with a plumber to do it for you.
Underneath the toilet is a wax ring that will need to be replaced when putting the toilet back or it will leak.
What I have done in the past is just remove the tank itself.
The water must be emptied out of the tank and the water shut off valve must be turned off.
Once this has been completed just unscrew the two nuts holding the tank on.
When replacing the tank you should buy new nuts and bolts for the tank, some are metal some are plastic.
Obviously plastic will not corrode and rust, making for a better fit.
Just remember if you do not feel comfortable working with your toilet to just consult with a professional plumber.
And always work safely there by minimizing potential accidents.
Another option, which I feel is the best, would be to use the correct tool for the job.
Most of the time when painting the wall behind a toilet there is a small amount of space back there where a small roller can fit.
These rollers can be purchased at any of the large home supply stores and are very inexpensive.
"RollerLite" is one of them and works very well because it is made of the same fabric the normal 9 inch roller sleeves are made of.
These mini fabric rollers come in the same nap sizes that the traditional 9 inch sleeves come in to ensure the paint will blend in seamlessly.
You also have the option of getting a handle that can easily reach down behind the toilet.
So for your next interior painting project that involves a painting bathroom walls this is the best suggestion I have as a solution to getting around the toilet.
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