Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Body Kits and the Evolution of the Car

The car has evolved a lot since the early days at the start of the twentieth century.
That may be understandable since it has been more than a hundred years.
What is amazing though is that evolved without a pause over all these years.
One would have thought at some point the evolution would have tapered off and slowed down.
But even today after more than a century of development car's continue to evolve at a great pace.
Disruptive technologies keep emerging for the various sub systems that make up the car.
So what drives this constant evolution of the car? After all a car is not a biological creature that mother nature will take care of.
It may not appear so but the evolution of the car is the combined effect of several initiatives being taken by corporations and individuals.
Corporations is understandable because they invest a lot of money in research and therefore are likely to lead the evolution.
The amazing part is how individuals have contributed.
And amongst these have been those who modified their cars with body kits and showed the way to how the car can be styled better.
These pioneering individuals have been so successful that many car manufacturers now offer factory fitted body kits.
Therefore when you buy a new car as its owner your role is not be limited to that of a user.
You too can be a contributor to the evolution of the car.
When you go out and express your style by installing car body kits you may perhaps be leading the industry to the next level in car styling.
Of course you will not be alone when you will look to push the envelope of car styling further.
You will have the talent of car body kits designers working with you.
These talented designers may not get as much visibility as car designers do but they work hard to create some fantastic new designs.
Using your imagination and your familiarity with your car you will be able to come up with a unique style that causes people to stop and admire the car.
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