Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Early Pregnancy Guide - What to Do

When you just find out you're pregnant, things can be a little crazy.
Your emotions are up and down.
You may be excited when you first experience the early signs of pregnancy, but you're also a little nervous, worried, and unsure what to do next.
It is an exciting time for sure, but there are several things to do right off.
First of all, if you haven't made an appointment to see a doctor, you should do so.
Your ObGyn may not have openings to see you for a while, so it's best to call as soon as possible after you become pregnant.
If you've previously experience complications during other pregnancies, you should ask to be seen as soon as possible.
After you discover you are pregnant is a time to celebrate.
Whether you were expecting the pregnancy or not, you can still enjoy yourself and have fun.
So plan a fun dinner or just have a glass of cider (no alcohol!) with your partner and enjoy the news of a new baby on the way.
Even though you probably have a lot on your mind, enjoying yourself is a great way to relieve some of your stress, which benefits both you and the baby.
You should also think about when you will tell friends and family the big news.
Some couples like to keep their own little secret for a while, and others enjoy spreading the good news immediately.
Talk to your partner and decide together a good time for sharing your baby news.
In the meantime, learn all you can about pregnancy.
You can take a class with your partner or by yourself, read books on the topic, and speak with your doctor.
There's a lot to take in during this time, so learn all you can.
Lastly, keep yourself healthy.
Eat a balanced diet, start taking a prenatal vitamin, and get as much rest as you can.
Taking care of yourself will benefit both you and the baby.
Don't get overwhelmed by all the things you need to do - stress is bad for the baby, so try to relax.
Just do what you can to keep yourself healthy.
Your pregnancy and delivery will go much better if you do.
Enjoy these first few weeks of pregnancy.
You have a lot to think about and do, but it can be a special time.
Pregnancy only lasts nine months, so enjoy your time.
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