Pigeons can cause a heap of problems.
They have the ability to nest and roost in the hidden crevices of buildings and houses if given the opportunity to do so.
And their excrement can also cause problems.
The acid found in pigeon poop can eat through tiles on top of houses causing damage and decay and further long-term structural issues to houses and building alike.
This make for pigeon removal to be indeed looked at seriously in order to prevent damage and pigeon annoyances from occurring.
Pigeon fecal matter like any excrement can also contain fungus that holds salmonella.
Salmonella is a leading cause for viruses and sickness alike in humans and it must be removed in order to prevent it being a source of contamination.
Before you look at professional pigeon extermination services its best that you implement some of these tools and methods first to see if you can get a cost effective solution to your problem.
These include the following: - Under no circumstances should you feed a pigeon.
Keep food scraps in compost bins secure to prevent pigeons from 1) being attracted and 2) from feeding off these food sources.
- Do not water your gardens during the day, leave it for when pigeons are sleeping and do it at night - Run after them and chase them off.
Associate your property with danger in the mind of the pigeons.
And they'll soon get the message.
- Buy a motion sensor sprinkler.
These are great for sensing the presence of any animal and work to scare off anything that comes near them.
You won't have the problem of hydrating them in this manner because they'll be too scared to risk getting sprayed.
Pigeons hate water! Before you look at professional pigeon removal methods, best to try the above methods as these professional services can be quite costly.
Regardless take action to eradicate them from your property and buildings because they can cause serious health and structural problems.
They have the ability to nest and roost in the hidden crevices of buildings and houses if given the opportunity to do so.
And their excrement can also cause problems.
The acid found in pigeon poop can eat through tiles on top of houses causing damage and decay and further long-term structural issues to houses and building alike.
This make for pigeon removal to be indeed looked at seriously in order to prevent damage and pigeon annoyances from occurring.
Pigeon fecal matter like any excrement can also contain fungus that holds salmonella.
Salmonella is a leading cause for viruses and sickness alike in humans and it must be removed in order to prevent it being a source of contamination.
Before you look at professional pigeon extermination services its best that you implement some of these tools and methods first to see if you can get a cost effective solution to your problem.
These include the following: - Under no circumstances should you feed a pigeon.
Keep food scraps in compost bins secure to prevent pigeons from 1) being attracted and 2) from feeding off these food sources.
- Do not water your gardens during the day, leave it for when pigeons are sleeping and do it at night - Run after them and chase them off.
Associate your property with danger in the mind of the pigeons.
And they'll soon get the message.
- Buy a motion sensor sprinkler.
These are great for sensing the presence of any animal and work to scare off anything that comes near them.
You won't have the problem of hydrating them in this manner because they'll be too scared to risk getting sprayed.
Pigeons hate water! Before you look at professional pigeon removal methods, best to try the above methods as these professional services can be quite costly.
Regardless take action to eradicate them from your property and buildings because they can cause serious health and structural problems.