Home & Garden Pest Control

Are You Sharing Your Bed With Bed Bugs?

Every individual looks forward to a good night's sleep at the end of the day.
Good sleep heals the mind and body and gets you ready for more on the morrow.
But, if that peaceful time of sleep turns into a terrible nightmare that threatens to ruin your sleep and finally your health, you must do something about it.
Do you wake up with red lesions on your arms that feel terribly itchy? Are you worried that your house has been taken over by tiny creatures that you never seem to see? Set your worries on one side and call professional pest control services to handle the problem for you.
Why suffer when there is help at hand? More about these infamous insects: Bed bugs can go without food for as long as 18 months.
It is no small wonder that they have survived on earth for as long as 3500 years! But when they do want to feed, they look for nice warm human blood preferably belonging to someone who is fast sleep.
So much easier feeding on them at that time! So if you have woken up with red rows of rashes on your arms, the bed bugs probably had a feast on you while you were in dreamland.
People who have been bitten by these small suckers tend to react in different ways.
Some are affected very mildly while yet others suffer severe reactions.
Usually the bites themselves are not a hard to health but scratching at them may induce infections.
Ask someone who has been bitten- it is very hard not to scratch at bed bug bites! First-time bites often look like mosquito bites or flea bites.
So if you are not sure which one it is, you might consider going to the clinic to verify if you have been bitten by the said pest.
People often confuse bed bug bites with poison ivy and spider bites too.
Get rid of bed bug eggs too! The most important point to ensure during a pest control operation is to eliminate eggs as well as the fully grown pests.
The eggs are very small- about 1mm in size and whitish in appearance.
Their eggs are found in several places in the house.
These places are typically dark and cozy nooks like cracks and crevices in the walls or floor, behind baseboards and behind wallpaper.
It is practically impossible to see all the eggs as they might be in hundreds.
They can lay up to 500 eggs during its lifetime! Calling pest control: Given their tenacious survival tactics and resilience, it is best to call in pest control services to get rid of bed bugs.
They are equipped and trained to eliminate them for good.
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