Terrible Diets and Detoxes
Very few of us are happy with our weight. So when the summer or a special event presents itself; we find ourselves scouting magazines, forums and online-articles looking for the diet that will banish muffin tops, bingo wings and beer bellies for good. Some diets have been proven, when combined with exercise, to help shed some weight. Then there are the diets that just seem too good to be true eat as much of one food group as you want? Detox for a week and then continue eating as normal? Eat fewer calories for three days and return to normal for the next four? All sound brilliant, right? But as the saying goes; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So what should you avoid when dieting?
Diets that focus on Certain Food Groups
Be very wary of any diet that rules out entire food groups. You wouldnt cut out food groups from your childs nutrition; so why would cut it out from yours? We need to eat a variety of food to ensure our bodies get all the nutrients it needs. All foods fit into a healthy lifestyle moderation is the key. Furthermore, eating cabbage or grapefruit everyday will eventually crush the strongest of will-power. Forbidden foods will have you envisioning a life without your favourite treats, and before you know it, the cravings will lead you back to your regular eating pattern.
Miracle Diets
A miracle pill, potion of food would make dieting so much easier and yet, if this miracle existed, would we have an ever increasing rate of obesity? Diets that suggest pills and enzymes should be avoided at all costs. A multi-vitamin can provide an extra boost for nutritional insurance and is fine to take. Still, a diet of healthy food will give you all the nutrients you need and should not be replaced with supplements.
Fasting and Low-Calorie Diets
Fasting has been a religious tradition for centuries and a culture phenomenon for decades. This is fine for religious practices, but is counterproductive as a weight loss strategy. When consuming too few calories, your body will think it is starving and subsequently adjusts the metabolism. As you return to your regular diet, the metabolism does not re-adjust and so you need fewer calories the result is usually weight-gain. Many will then re-attempt fasting; this is known as the yo-yo system and has little effect on weight loss. Another point worth mentioning is that fasting leads to a reduction in energy this is dangerous for those with physically demanding jobs. Lack of energy leads to less physical activity; and combining exercise and diet is vital for toning and weight loss.
Detox Diets
We have all read about the diets that flush out the toxins, cleanse the body and improve the immune system. Yet, few realise that there is no scientific basis for these suggestions. Our bodies are well equipped with the organs needed to rid it of toxins and impurities. Furthermore, there is no suggestion that cleansing the body would subsequently lead to weight loss unless you were to then move on to another diet.
When it comes to diets, it is important to find one that fits your lifestyle. The best diets are the ones that you can stick to long-term, which will encourage nutritional food without banishing treats. It should be flexible to fit around your life and focus on moderation. Physical activity and dieting go hand-in-hand, so when changing your diet; dont forget to make changes to your exercise regime too.
Very few of us are happy with our weight. So when the summer or a special event presents itself; we find ourselves scouting magazines, forums and online-articles looking for the diet that will banish muffin tops, bingo wings and beer bellies for good. Some diets have been proven, when combined with exercise, to help shed some weight. Then there are the diets that just seem too good to be true eat as much of one food group as you want? Detox for a week and then continue eating as normal? Eat fewer calories for three days and return to normal for the next four? All sound brilliant, right? But as the saying goes; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So what should you avoid when dieting?
Diets that focus on Certain Food Groups
Be very wary of any diet that rules out entire food groups. You wouldnt cut out food groups from your childs nutrition; so why would cut it out from yours? We need to eat a variety of food to ensure our bodies get all the nutrients it needs. All foods fit into a healthy lifestyle moderation is the key. Furthermore, eating cabbage or grapefruit everyday will eventually crush the strongest of will-power. Forbidden foods will have you envisioning a life without your favourite treats, and before you know it, the cravings will lead you back to your regular eating pattern.
Miracle Diets
A miracle pill, potion of food would make dieting so much easier and yet, if this miracle existed, would we have an ever increasing rate of obesity? Diets that suggest pills and enzymes should be avoided at all costs. A multi-vitamin can provide an extra boost for nutritional insurance and is fine to take. Still, a diet of healthy food will give you all the nutrients you need and should not be replaced with supplements.
Fasting and Low-Calorie Diets
Fasting has been a religious tradition for centuries and a culture phenomenon for decades. This is fine for religious practices, but is counterproductive as a weight loss strategy. When consuming too few calories, your body will think it is starving and subsequently adjusts the metabolism. As you return to your regular diet, the metabolism does not re-adjust and so you need fewer calories the result is usually weight-gain. Many will then re-attempt fasting; this is known as the yo-yo system and has little effect on weight loss. Another point worth mentioning is that fasting leads to a reduction in energy this is dangerous for those with physically demanding jobs. Lack of energy leads to less physical activity; and combining exercise and diet is vital for toning and weight loss.
Detox Diets
We have all read about the diets that flush out the toxins, cleanse the body and improve the immune system. Yet, few realise that there is no scientific basis for these suggestions. Our bodies are well equipped with the organs needed to rid it of toxins and impurities. Furthermore, there is no suggestion that cleansing the body would subsequently lead to weight loss unless you were to then move on to another diet.
When it comes to diets, it is important to find one that fits your lifestyle. The best diets are the ones that you can stick to long-term, which will encourage nutritional food without banishing treats. It should be flexible to fit around your life and focus on moderation. Physical activity and dieting go hand-in-hand, so when changing your diet; dont forget to make changes to your exercise regime too.