Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

A Beginners Guide to Hair Loss Treatment

If you have started to notice your hair falling out, then chances are you are wondering what hair loss treatment is going to work for you to try and stop it.
In the first instance it really depends on whether your hair is falling out because of lifestyle reasons or genetic reasons.
If it is lifestyle then chances are it is stress or diet related and by focusing on those areas you should be able to get results.
However if it is genetic related then your options are a bit more tricky.
The reason for that is because when it is genetic then it makes it a permanent condition, and it is caused by you having the genes that are receptive to a hormone in your body called DHT.
This hormone is created when an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase mixes with the testosterone hormone, and once it is made it can then attach to the follicle and thin it out so that hair is no longer produced.
And you will always have this gene so any treatment will have to be something that is ongoing.
Your first option is a hair transplant.
This procedure involves taking permanent growing hair from the back and sides of your head and then grafting it to the crown.
This is all done under local anesthetic and will require some stitches to be inserted; also that hair will not grow back there so you will need to grow your hair in a way that scars are not seen.
This kind of treatment is not cheap and can cost anywhere between $3 and $10 per graft with most people needing somewhere in the region of 500 to 2000 grafts.
Also it is not 100% guaranteed to work and if you have just started losing hair then you may be advised to wait until you are at a stage of advanced hair loss, so all the grafts can be done in one go, rather then having some grafts done and then more bald patches appear as more of your hair falls out.
The good news is though, if it works it is permanent.
The next available option is prescription medication.
This works by reducing the amount of testosterone the body produces, and this in turn means less DHT created.
People have had good results with this, however there are a couple of things you need to take into consideration.
Firstly as soon as you stop taking the medication, then your hair will start to fall out again and secondly because it works on reducing the testosterone hormone in the body, it has been known to have a side effect or inhibiting a mans libido.
The final kind of treatment you can go for is minoxidil.
Minoxidil was discovered as a treatment for hair loss by accident, as it was originally used as an oral tablet to treat another condition, and the bald patients that were taking it started to regrow hair on their crown.
Since then it has been tweaked and fine tuned and is now used as a topical treatment that is applied directly to the scalp.
Nobody is really 100% certain why or how it works, but the results people get from it are so good that even the FDA has approved it.
The main downside to it is that like the medication, when you stop using it your hair will start to thin again.
So, if you are looking for a hairloss treatment then these are your main options, and whichever one you use do not expect a quick fix as even a transplant takes time for the hair to bed in and start to regrow.
Just remember that your hair did not all fall out overnight so do not expect it all to grow back overnight either.
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