I loved Barb's description of her kitties: enthusiastic, great descriptions of their personalities, and obviously packed with love!
Briggs is the grey & white stripped tiger cat on the left. He is 4 1/2 years old. I adopted Briggs at the local Humane Society in November 2001. He's a big boy weighing in at 18 pounds. He's very vocal & a mama's boy. Although he does sit with my husband in the lazy boy, but I do believe that 'lazy boy' describes why! He likes to play with q-tips, milk jug rings & literally 'run his mouth'. He loves to sit in his cat tree when the sun is coming thru the window.
Otherwise he plops himself down on our bed or the bed in the spare bedroom. He also likes his 'Briggsy Treats'. He sleeps at the foot of the bed on my side at night. He loves to play 'hide & seek.' I think he thinks that if he doesn't see my eyes, I don't see him. It's hilarious to watch. He's my 'Briggsy Briggs' & 'Sweet Boy'. To name a couple nicknames. For some reason, my husband calls him 'Guessipe'. Don't ask me why!
My little Miss Boo is the black & tan kitty on the right. I think she might have some Maine Coon in her as she is all fluff! She weighs about 10 pounds. I rescued Miss Boo when my mother-in-law's cat had her THIRD litter. I helped place all three litters of 5 kitties each. At that point in time, I took it upon myself to get Miss Boo's mother (Tiger) fixed. Miss Boo is almost 2 years old. I rescued her in June of 2004. She is a sweet girl, not as outgoing as Briggs. She follows me around literally like a shadow. Wherever I am, she's there. She loves to sit in my lap, she sleeps beside me at night.
Her favorite toy is her 'mousies'. She has them all over the house. She also loves to hide in boxes, which I have quite a few of throughout the house. She's my 'cuddle bug' & 'pretty girl'. She is as adorable as she looks! Miss Boo picked up on what 'Briggsy Treats' are as she loves them too. I don't think she minds that they are called 'Briggsy Treats', just so she gets some too! When my alarm goes off in the morning, I am unable to hit my snooze anymore, not since acquiring Miss Boo, she knows it's breakfast for kitties time!
Briggs is the grey & white stripped tiger cat on the left. He is 4 1/2 years old. I adopted Briggs at the local Humane Society in November 2001. He's a big boy weighing in at 18 pounds. He's very vocal & a mama's boy. Although he does sit with my husband in the lazy boy, but I do believe that 'lazy boy' describes why! He likes to play with q-tips, milk jug rings & literally 'run his mouth'. He loves to sit in his cat tree when the sun is coming thru the window.
Otherwise he plops himself down on our bed or the bed in the spare bedroom. He also likes his 'Briggsy Treats'. He sleeps at the foot of the bed on my side at night. He loves to play 'hide & seek.' I think he thinks that if he doesn't see my eyes, I don't see him. It's hilarious to watch. He's my 'Briggsy Briggs' & 'Sweet Boy'. To name a couple nicknames. For some reason, my husband calls him 'Guessipe'. Don't ask me why!
My little Miss Boo is the black & tan kitty on the right. I think she might have some Maine Coon in her as she is all fluff! She weighs about 10 pounds. I rescued Miss Boo when my mother-in-law's cat had her THIRD litter. I helped place all three litters of 5 kitties each. At that point in time, I took it upon myself to get Miss Boo's mother (Tiger) fixed. Miss Boo is almost 2 years old. I rescued her in June of 2004. She is a sweet girl, not as outgoing as Briggs. She follows me around literally like a shadow. Wherever I am, she's there. She loves to sit in my lap, she sleeps beside me at night.
Her favorite toy is her 'mousies'. She has them all over the house. She also loves to hide in boxes, which I have quite a few of throughout the house. She's my 'cuddle bug' & 'pretty girl'. She is as adorable as she looks! Miss Boo picked up on what 'Briggsy Treats' are as she loves them too. I don't think she minds that they are called 'Briggsy Treats', just so she gets some too! When my alarm goes off in the morning, I am unable to hit my snooze anymore, not since acquiring Miss Boo, she knows it's breakfast for kitties time!