- 1). Collect four keno cards. These may be laying around the casino just waiting for you to pick them up, available in the keno lounge, or sold by keno runners that pass through the casino periodically.
- 2). Mark between one and 10 numbers on each keno card. The casino will provide markers for you to do this. You could bet the same numbers on all four cards if you're absolutely positive you have the right numbers, but most players will bet different numbers or combinations on each card to increase the chance of winning.
- 3). Take your keno cards to the dealer in the keno lounge or have the keno runner do it for you. The keno dealer or runner will provide you with a duplicate of each card you're playing and a receipt. Pay for your keno bets; you usually pay a set fee per card, although in some cases the casino may allow you to choose how much to bet on each card; the more you bet, the higher the potential payout.
- 4). Watch the keno screens located either inside the keno lounge or throughout the casino to see the chosen numbers. If the screen shows any of your numbers on any of your cards, cash in your receipt for your winnings with the keno dealer right away. If you fail to do so before the next batch of numbers, known as a "keno race," is pulled, you forfeit your winnings.