- 1). Put on gloves. Remove the purslane weed manually using your hands and a shovel. The succulent is easy to uproot and does not grow an extensive root network. Pile the removed purslane plants in the sun to dry them out. Add the dried plants to your compost pile or discard.
- 2). Spray the purslane weed with an herbicide such as Round-Up. This options is best for those who don't have time to remove the weeds by hand, or who are facing a large invasion of purslane. If you are trying to get rid of purslane growing in your lawn, use lawn-safe product such as Trimec Lawn Weed Killer.
- 3). Use a non-toxic method to get rid of purslane. This option is ideal for those with pets or small children, or who prefer to live an organic lifestyle. Boiling water poured directly on the purslane will quickly wilt and kill the weed. Alternatively, douse the pursplane plant with white vinegar. The weed will typically turn yellow and die within 12 hours.
- 4). Replant or cover bare soil patches in your lawn and garden where the purslane once grew. Purslane typically appears in open areas of your landscape. Prevent the reappearance of purslane by planting more grass or plants to cover the bare patches.