Do you ever wonder what makes a man want to marry a woman? Do you ever think about your man and how to earn his love forever? What makes a man fall in love and choose one woman for life? Love finds its way into a man's heart easier than you believe.
What triggers his love and want for you to be his woman and possibly his wife? Men fall in love when they finally see that one thing in a woman that makes her better than all the rest.
Even good men take their time to decide on their mate but you should know that sex is not what triggers his love and want for you.
That being said, passion is what triggers love inside of him and a want for you to be the one.
A realization happens when he suddenly sees that you make his life better.
The one he has the most fun with and the one that is best to his heart is his dream woman to live ever after with will be the one he chooses.
Passion is not always lust and sex but a strong feeling of happiness whenever you come around.
The emotional connection is amazing.
He feels better than he ever has and his heart keeps saying that this is it.
He feels the signals that you care truly about him as he is and the signals tell him there is no need to look any further.
Who doesn't want to be admired, especially by someone they love? Honestly admire everything he his and stands for.
You won't always agree on politics and raising children but respect each other for what makes you the unique personality you are.
Hold off on the physical passion until the emotional passion has caught up to your raging desires.
Sex shouldn't be about just that moment or hormones but an expression of how great the relationship is and how you want it to grow.
Sex is the key to a great future or a short one.
Emotional love and admiration trigger his love and his want for you to be his.
What triggers his love and want for you to be his woman and possibly his wife? Men fall in love when they finally see that one thing in a woman that makes her better than all the rest.
Even good men take their time to decide on their mate but you should know that sex is not what triggers his love and want for you.
That being said, passion is what triggers love inside of him and a want for you to be the one.
A realization happens when he suddenly sees that you make his life better.
The one he has the most fun with and the one that is best to his heart is his dream woman to live ever after with will be the one he chooses.
Passion is not always lust and sex but a strong feeling of happiness whenever you come around.
The emotional connection is amazing.
He feels better than he ever has and his heart keeps saying that this is it.
He feels the signals that you care truly about him as he is and the signals tell him there is no need to look any further.
Who doesn't want to be admired, especially by someone they love? Honestly admire everything he his and stands for.
You won't always agree on politics and raising children but respect each other for what makes you the unique personality you are.
Hold off on the physical passion until the emotional passion has caught up to your raging desires.
Sex shouldn't be about just that moment or hormones but an expression of how great the relationship is and how you want it to grow.
Sex is the key to a great future or a short one.
Emotional love and admiration trigger his love and his want for you to be his.