Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

The Unexpected Divorce Challenges That May Crop Up During Your Divorce Proceedings

Once upon a time life was a lot more simplified.
The biggest worry on a married couple's mind was whether or not the next round of cold wet weather was going to affect the farm crops and contribute to their possible starving during the winter season.
And speaking of married couples, the way in which matrimonial issues worked was also much simpler.
Getting married was as effortless as counting to three: in other words, the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with was already determined for you (sometimes on the day you were born), and because a divorce was a highly blasphemous outcome, two spouses therefore didn't have to add the fear of splitting up over marital woes to their list of life challenges.
It is unfortunate that marriages are no longer so easy.
Consequently, getting a divorce is sometimes worse than the process of preparing for the wedding itself if taking into consideration the arguing that takes place between future in-laws when debating about splitting the total wedding fees, among other controversial planning issues.
To make matters worse, the divorce courts don't do much in the way of alleviating the stress and difficulty associated with a marital dissolution; rather, they are more notorious for creating additional headaches and confusion for the two spouses.
But instead of being intimidated by the divorce process due to any unforeseen obstacles that introduce themselves along the way, it is important to be aware of what divorce challenges are out there and what to do if one happens to come upon you.
To begin, there is the issue of divorce court clerks - are they a source of frustration, or help? Many people would point to the former as the true answer, citing power-hungry folks sitting behind the glass window whose only wish during the course of their work day is to exude the authority over the rest of society that their job position supplies to them.
Yet there is one surefire way to successfully file divorce paperwork at the filing window without hassle from the court clerk - treat them with respect and they will return the favor to you and might even supply some helpful hints such as where to locate the family law facilitator's office should you need to pay them a visit.
Then there is the issue of agreement, which can turn an uncontested divorce into a controversial one in the blink of an eye.
As easy as it may seem to be to come to a mutual satisfactory decision about an aspect of the divorce proceedings, it is just as simple for one spouse to change his or her mind, thus complicating matters and creating a whole new level of unnecessary stress and a delay in the divorce process itself.
What is a couple to do who falls into this situation? The first step is to seek the aid of a family law facilitator.
Or, the parties may schedule an appointment for divorce mediation in an effort to come to another solution to the issue that both can easily agree on.
And what about those infamous divorce judges who have the privilege of deciding on the final outcome of the parties' divorce case, thus holding the future of the parties in his or her hands? Despite the fact that at times it may seem like a divorce judge has a bias toward one spouse or the other based on the decisions he or she makes for the parties on their judgment document, this is certainly not going to be the case as the judge then risks being thrown off the bench for good if proven to show favoritism to one party or the other.
In addition, judges have officially been sworn in to be fair-minded and make decisions based on the best interests of each party, an oath they take to heart when signing a final judgment for divorce.
Then comes one of the toughest challenges to face divorcing spouses - what does a person do when his or her spouse has suddenly disappeared and is not able to be found anywhere? Does the divorce get put on 'hold' status for as long as it takes to find the lonely wanderer? The petitioning party does have the above 'hold' option.
Yet he or she may also file for a default divorce ruling, which shows the divorce court that the opposing spouse has chosen not to respond to the divorce proceedings and is therefore agreeing to everything the filing party has asked for on the petition for dissolution of marriage.
As it is clearly stated in the law of physics, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
" This principle also works in the arena of divorce - no matter what curveball a spouse or even the family court may throw at a couple, there will be some way around the issue which will allow the parties to successfully file for and be granted with a divorce.
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