Business & Finance Blogging

Find a Mentor and Start Blogging For Profit

If you ask any successful blog money maker what contributed most to their success and how they began blogging for profit, they will often name a mentor or two, because whenever we try something new, it is always easier and often a lot more fun having the help of someone who has "been there, done that.
" Many motivational speakers and business coaches will advise entrepreneurs to focus their attention on others who have gained success in an area and study what they've done, how they did it and why.
You will often hear the experts say not to try to"reinvent the wheel.
" It is far more productive to learn from the trial and error of others.
This applies to the big blogging money makers as much as anyone or anyone who is attempting to blog for money.
Here is a short rundown on 3 successful blog money makers with sites that have a lot to teach all of us.
One of the first names you'll see if you start searching about making money by blogging is Darren Rowse who operates the pretty famous ProBlogger site.
He advocates the authority approach to blogging, which is to build a site around a topic that interests you, become an authority on that topic and build a loyal following of readers.
His site is full of information and a must read for any blog money hopeful.
Another site that is exceptional in terms of offering up plenty of inspiration and different approaches to blogging, is Entrepreneurs Journey.
This site is run by a fellow named Yaro Starak.
One of the best features of this site is the selection of interesting videos and interviews with other bloggers and internet marketers who quite openly share their own stories and strategies.
The final blog money maker that really stands out if you are considering affiliate marketing is Rosalind Gardner who operates netprofitstoday.
Rosalind presents a very personal approach to combining blogging and internet marketing with her extensive travel blog and superb selection and presentation of affiliates.
There is a ton of information to be learned in these pages as well.
As you will no doubt learn early in your blogging journey, there are many, many mentors to follow out there.
Choose a few that match your style, study them and before you know it, you'll be blogging for profit too!
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