The dangerous myth in law of attraction - Wishing versus Willing
There is a fallacy which floats around amongst the law of attraction community, which I feel is dangerous. Its wasting many good peoples precious time and money, and it is planting seeds of doubts in their minds as to the validity of the concept of the law of attraction. The law of attraction is powerful, it can bring you anything you turn your attention to, but if misunderstood it can bring you absolutely nothing.
The misconception is this.... All you have to do to apply the law of attraction is to simply think about your desire and it will miraculously manifest. No action is involved or necessary, you only need think about it. If you seriously believe this, I hate to break it to you, but you are going to be sitting around waiting for a very long time.
I call this, wishing rather than willing. The law of attraction is about willing things into manifestation not wishing. Sure I admit it, sometimes you can just simply think and it will happen; I know this is true because I have experienced it myself. I have had instances where thought alone has brought me things, but these occasions have been few and far between, and usually of small significance.
The real law of attraction, the kind that really changes life and circumstances, is where you WILL things into being. Willing is where you take the reins of your own mind and direct it with purpose to make things come to pass; this will invariably require some form of action. Those who have had the law of attraction actually work for them will testify that they were inspired into radical action.
It is true that thoughts are the first and most essential ingredient in the creation process. There never was any human action anywhere which was not first preceded by a thought. It is also true that our vibration must be in alignment with the objects of our desire, in order to obtain them. But let's say for example, the object is your desire is to possess 1million. Sitting around idly, just thinking about riches, is certainly not the vibration of a millionaire. A millionaire mindset is one of action and purpose, goals, faith and solid plans for its attainment. Here we see a vibrational match for the manifestation of 1million. It will never just fall out of the sky due to wishful thinking.
There is a classic model, it is to try to manifest a hot drink just by thinking about it, the idea being that someone will bring you one because you thought about it and attracted it to you. Try it, it's a bit of fun, it may even possibly work in some cases, but in the real world guess how you would will a hot drink into your life?
Easy...You go make one, or ask someone else to make one for you. It is still a thought resulting in a manifestation, just because there was some action in between to make it transpire doesn't make it any less of a hot drink. If you understand the law of attraction you should be joyfully spurred into activity.
If however you having itching ears, and need to be told that the notion of fanciful thinking will grant you everything you ever wanted, there are plenty of teachers who will supply you with such false doctrines. Why waste your time? Please look around you and have a little rethink. Has it worked? I would suggest not. Am I right?
By your fruits ye shall know them, if there is something wrong with the fruit you are bearing, plant a better seed. If you want to change the effect, you must change the cause. To change your circumstances, change your thought patterns.
For those who use the real law of attraction, which is faithful thoughts followed by intelligent action, you will witness the universe bend to your will and you will have the power to sculpt your destiny and attract all that you need to get you there.
There is a fallacy which floats around amongst the law of attraction community, which I feel is dangerous. Its wasting many good peoples precious time and money, and it is planting seeds of doubts in their minds as to the validity of the concept of the law of attraction. The law of attraction is powerful, it can bring you anything you turn your attention to, but if misunderstood it can bring you absolutely nothing.
The misconception is this.... All you have to do to apply the law of attraction is to simply think about your desire and it will miraculously manifest. No action is involved or necessary, you only need think about it. If you seriously believe this, I hate to break it to you, but you are going to be sitting around waiting for a very long time.
I call this, wishing rather than willing. The law of attraction is about willing things into manifestation not wishing. Sure I admit it, sometimes you can just simply think and it will happen; I know this is true because I have experienced it myself. I have had instances where thought alone has brought me things, but these occasions have been few and far between, and usually of small significance.
The real law of attraction, the kind that really changes life and circumstances, is where you WILL things into being. Willing is where you take the reins of your own mind and direct it with purpose to make things come to pass; this will invariably require some form of action. Those who have had the law of attraction actually work for them will testify that they were inspired into radical action.
It is true that thoughts are the first and most essential ingredient in the creation process. There never was any human action anywhere which was not first preceded by a thought. It is also true that our vibration must be in alignment with the objects of our desire, in order to obtain them. But let's say for example, the object is your desire is to possess 1million. Sitting around idly, just thinking about riches, is certainly not the vibration of a millionaire. A millionaire mindset is one of action and purpose, goals, faith and solid plans for its attainment. Here we see a vibrational match for the manifestation of 1million. It will never just fall out of the sky due to wishful thinking.
There is a classic model, it is to try to manifest a hot drink just by thinking about it, the idea being that someone will bring you one because you thought about it and attracted it to you. Try it, it's a bit of fun, it may even possibly work in some cases, but in the real world guess how you would will a hot drink into your life?
Easy...You go make one, or ask someone else to make one for you. It is still a thought resulting in a manifestation, just because there was some action in between to make it transpire doesn't make it any less of a hot drink. If you understand the law of attraction you should be joyfully spurred into activity.
If however you having itching ears, and need to be told that the notion of fanciful thinking will grant you everything you ever wanted, there are plenty of teachers who will supply you with such false doctrines. Why waste your time? Please look around you and have a little rethink. Has it worked? I would suggest not. Am I right?
By your fruits ye shall know them, if there is something wrong with the fruit you are bearing, plant a better seed. If you want to change the effect, you must change the cause. To change your circumstances, change your thought patterns.
For those who use the real law of attraction, which is faithful thoughts followed by intelligent action, you will witness the universe bend to your will and you will have the power to sculpt your destiny and attract all that you need to get you there.