- 1). Decide which star patterns you want to find. There are 88 official constellations, including Orion and Scorpius, as well as several unofficial but familiar patterns, like the Big Dipper and the Summer Triangle. Start out by focusing on a few patterns.
- 2). Find the constellations on a star map. Familiarize yourself with the constellations' positions in the sky, with respect to surrounding stars and constellations. This will help you find the right patterns when you are outside.
- 3). Use a movable star map or online star-mapping program such as Starchart to get a view of the night sky. Look for your constellations' morning positions on the map to know where to look.
- 4). Go out and observe the morning sky. Make sure it is still dark, since the dawn light can wash out fainter stars as much as an hour before the official sunrise.
- 5). Consult your star maps to make sure that the patterns you see in the sky are the same constellations you saw on the map.
Steps to find morning star patterns