- There are a lot of options for cardiovascular exercise but walking is low impact, needs no special equipment or expensive gym memberships, and can be done anywhere. It is also easy to vary intensity with walking, which makes it great for people of all fitness levels, and novice and experienced exercisers alike.
- When it comes to walking, the sky is the limit. For those who enjoy walking outside, there are neighborhood streets, parks, college tracks, nature trails and public paved paths. For those who prefer the indoors, malls are ideal for walking and many malls open their doors before the shops open to accommodate walkers. If stuck at home, march or walk in place.
- One major advantage to walking is that it can be done anywhere at any time. Not only that, but it's possible to break up aerobic exercise into small sections. Rather than do one 30-minute session, it's possible to do three 10-minute sessions. So, a person could take 10 minutes out of his lunch break and walk around the office. Or walk to lunch. Commuters who use public transportation can get off one stop early. If going shopping, park farther away than usual and walk the perimeter of the store before starting. Walk down the street and back before getting ready for work in the morning. Take an evening stroll after dinner.
- As with any aerobic exercise, the key to successful weight loss in intensity and frequency. The quickest way to determine exercise intensity is by using the "Talk Test." With the talk test, an exerciser should be able to just barely maintain a conversation while exercising. She should be breathy and talking should be difficult but not impossible. If the exerciser is gasping for breath, the intensity is too high. If the exerciser is able to talk without any breathiness, the intensity is too low. It's also important to maintain proper form. The torso should be upright with the shoulders in neutral position. Arms should swing freely, the knees should face forward and the feet should roll from heel to toe.
- Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing. There are shoes specifically designed for walking but a good pair of cross-trainers works just fine. The walker should buy the best shoes that she can afford. It's not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars, but the shoes should be well made and sturdy with adequate arch and ankle support and heel cushioning. Avid walkers should replace their shoes every few months as the soles and internal supports wear down.
Why Walking is Best
Where to Walk
When to Walk
How to Walk
What to Wear