Health & Medical Acne

What Can Cause Acne in Women - Discover Natural Herbal Remedies That Work Safely

It would seem that there are many more cases of acne in women there are in men and for good reasons.
There are many different conditions that cause acne in women to be more so than men.
One of those is a fluctuation in hormones more so than in men.
One of those is because women can experience early menopause and puberty has different effects.
Another is that women experience menstruation every single month for a great portion of their lives and they use make up on their skin frequently.
All these condition merit severe hormonal changes and clogged pores and those are the biggest cause of acne in women.
Puberty is a hard time for both boys and girls.
But during female puberty, there is an onslaught of make hormones released as well.
The skin's sebaceous glands are some of the body's parts that run from the even balance of these hormones.
Sebaceous glands produce the natural skin lubricant, sebum, and when they glands get a signal form hormonal change, they will react in producing more oil.
This oil will gather in the pores of the skin and clog them.
That is the start to pimples and sores from acne.
Applying make up is one of the worst ways to clog pores and set your skin up for acne.
Making sure to cleanse your face after wearing makeup is important.
This is the greatest cause of acne in women.
During a woman's menstrual cycles each month, hormones tell body it is not pregnant act up in preparing for the exit of the blood and nutrients that were saved for that's month's egg that never came.
Due to the hormonal change, acne will strike.
Those oil glands are working over time during these few days it takes to rid the body of the waste of blood.
Menstrual cycles are another cause of acne in women.
Just because the hormonal changes are normal during these times for women, that doesn't mean the oil flow has to change in such a way.
The natural ingredients that keep your body cleansed will help in the removal of the bad blood while keeping other areas clean and bacteria free.
The oil that is supercharged during these times can also be regulated by the natural herbs that will regulate the hormonal fluctuation, even during pregnancy and menstruation.
Herbs like Chamomile and Lavender are wonderful treatments during times of menstruation because of the calming effects that they have on the body's system at that time.
Imagine what those combined with cleansing and healing natural ingredients will doe for the acne breakouts that come with being female? The hormonal cause of acne in women can be controlled and healed up forever with only natural ingredients.
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