- Tea tree oil can effectively eliminate acne, but without the unwanted side effects that can accompany medicated creams and gels, such as redness, rashes, itching, and peeling. Tea tree oil is an antimicrobial oil that comes from the tea tree, a native plant from Australia. It is typically purchased in an undiluted form, which must be diluted in order to be used on the skin without irritation. To apply tea tree oil, soak a cotton swab in the oil, and quickly dip it into water. This will dilute it enough to use on the face. Apply the oil directly to the acne breakouts.
- Exfoliating the skin can remove dead skin, excess oils, and dirt that would ordinarily clog the pores, which may result in acne breakouts. Everyday household baking soda is one substance that is useful for exfoliating the skin and killing bacteria at the same time. Baking soda is alkaline, making it effective at removing dead skin without needing to rub or scrub the skin too hard. To use baking soda as an exfoliant, mix about 1 tbsp. of baking soda with 1 tsp. of water, then gently massage the mixture onto the skin for 20 seconds. Rinse well with warm water.
- Lemon juice is acidic and contains high levels of vitamin C, which removes dead skin, fights off free radicals on the face, and improves and increases skin cell turnover, which helps prevent the skin from becoming infected and clogged with oils. When used in combination with the baking soda exfoliant, lemon juice works well at keeping the skin clear. To use lemon juice, fill a clean spray bottle with undiluted, unsweetened lemon juice, then spray the face after cleansing and exfoliating. Let the lemon juice dry naturally onto the skin.
Tea Tree Oil Spot Treatment
Baking Soda Exfoliation
Lemon Juice Toner