We all know the truth, no matter how hard we try it is impossible to completely hide a pimple. You know the battle, you wash your face daily but still wake up in the morning with your face full of acne. How can you cure and possibly prevent this from happening to you? By choosing the appropriate acne treatment product for your skin and your situation.
Choosing the appropriate acne treatment product for you is not as easy traveling to your local drug store and purchasing the first product you see. Each product is designed to work in a slightly different way and will contain a slightly different formulation. It is important for you to know what you want your acne treatment product to do for you before you spend your money.
Getting Rid of Acne Breakouts
If you're struggle is clearing break outs then you need to find a treatment that contains Benyzoyl peroxide. Different concentrations are available in 2.5%, 5% and 10%. Benzoyl attacks acne bacteria inside the pimple to clear up existing zits how ever it doesn't do much to prevent new breakouts from occurring.
Ensuring No Future Breakouts
TO stop further breakouts from happening down the road you want to find a treatment that uses Salicylic acid. This acid helps keep your follicles clear of dead skin cells and keeps your pores clear. This ensures that future acne bacteria won't build up and cause another breakout. There are several forms of treatments using Salicylic acid and they offer concentrations between 0.5% and 2%.
Herbal Acne Treatment Products
More people are opting not to use the harsh chemicals on their face to fight acne, so what are their alternatives? Tea Tree oil is a natural anti bacterial agent that will naturally fight acne bacteria in pimples. Used alone or in conjunction with Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid Tea Tree oil is an excellent natural acne treatment.
Ensure you Follow Directions
One problem many sufferers cause themselves is not using a product long enough to get results. They to quickly jump from treatment to treatment. For a Benzoyl peroxide or Tea tree oil based acne treatment you can see results in the first week. How ever if it's a Salicylic acid based treatment you might need to continue use for weeks before you get results.
It's a common mistake to assume a treatment isn't working if we don't see visible results right away. How ever that isn't always the case. Treatments can work below the skins surface and take some time to show results. Because of this you must continue the use of any treatment for at least 2 months before you give up on it, unless of course it's causing irritation. This is the only way you'll be able to make a clear decision about whether a treatment is working for you or not.
Choosing the appropriate acne treatment product for you is not as easy traveling to your local drug store and purchasing the first product you see. Each product is designed to work in a slightly different way and will contain a slightly different formulation. It is important for you to know what you want your acne treatment product to do for you before you spend your money.
Getting Rid of Acne Breakouts
If you're struggle is clearing break outs then you need to find a treatment that contains Benyzoyl peroxide. Different concentrations are available in 2.5%, 5% and 10%. Benzoyl attacks acne bacteria inside the pimple to clear up existing zits how ever it doesn't do much to prevent new breakouts from occurring.
Ensuring No Future Breakouts
TO stop further breakouts from happening down the road you want to find a treatment that uses Salicylic acid. This acid helps keep your follicles clear of dead skin cells and keeps your pores clear. This ensures that future acne bacteria won't build up and cause another breakout. There are several forms of treatments using Salicylic acid and they offer concentrations between 0.5% and 2%.
Herbal Acne Treatment Products
More people are opting not to use the harsh chemicals on their face to fight acne, so what are their alternatives? Tea Tree oil is a natural anti bacterial agent that will naturally fight acne bacteria in pimples. Used alone or in conjunction with Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid Tea Tree oil is an excellent natural acne treatment.
Ensure you Follow Directions
One problem many sufferers cause themselves is not using a product long enough to get results. They to quickly jump from treatment to treatment. For a Benzoyl peroxide or Tea tree oil based acne treatment you can see results in the first week. How ever if it's a Salicylic acid based treatment you might need to continue use for weeks before you get results.
It's a common mistake to assume a treatment isn't working if we don't see visible results right away. How ever that isn't always the case. Treatments can work below the skins surface and take some time to show results. Because of this you must continue the use of any treatment for at least 2 months before you give up on it, unless of course it's causing irritation. This is the only way you'll be able to make a clear decision about whether a treatment is working for you or not.