Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

WOTLK Warrior Leveling Guide - Arms Vs Fury Vs Prot

There is not much to leveling a wow warrior; all three specs (Prot, Arms and Fury) are viable and fun.
The difference in knowing what spec to be in and at what level can be found below and is generally based on what you want to do, versus what you "should" do.
Reviewed below are each spec and when and why you can level your warrior in each spec.
There are three things we need to look at in regards to warriors before we discuss leveling specs, as we will rate each spec based on these three things 1.
- Your ability to take damage and not die 2.
- Your ability to "pew pew" which is to say your ability to do damage 3.
Down Time
- The amount of time you will be self healing before you can move forward after a standard fight.
We will rate these things on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best and 1 is the worse, in the case of Down Time a rank of 10 means you will not spend much time self healing We will use the following format: 10s - 10p - 10D The above shows a rating of 10 survivability, 10 pew pew and 10 downtime.
Protection 10s - 3p - 6D Protection is going to provide your warrior with 2 very important things, survivability and a reduced downtime as a result of that survivability.
Prot spec is best used for instancing and provides you with the ability to take on multiple groups of mobs without fear of dying.
Certain skills allow for you to attack several mobs at once, however; you will not be hitting things as hard.
You are a tank with a medium sized weapon, great for longevity, not so great at killing things quickly.
Down time is not very high as you generally do not take very many hits, however; it should be noted that you do not have any real self healing abilities beyond enraged regeneration and last stand, which serve more as last resort type abilities and less as constant sources of health.
As a prot warrior your death rate is very low as you should never be in any real danger vs large groups of mobs Arms - 7s - 8p - 5d As an arms warrior your ability to destroy things should be your pride and joy.
Generally wielding a large 2 handed weapon this spec is designed around LARGE up front damage as well as mobility.
Great for leveling as it provides the most well rounded damage vs survivability vs downtime ration.
The idea behind being an arms warrior is that you take normal damage and deal out abnormal damage resulting in your foe dying faster than they can afflict you with pain.
Fury - (6-7)s - 10p - 6d Fury warriors, like arms warriors, rely on large two handed weapons.
The key here is weapons, not weapon.
Fury warriors at higher levels are allowed to equip two 2-handed weapons; for the sake of leveling this is not an issue until level 60.
Fury generally requires for the warrior to be in berserker stance, which unfortunately comes with a built in debuff of 10% more damage taken; this is why there is a range of survivability.
Fury warriors do benefit from the only self healing attack warriors have, Bloodthirst, however this is not attainable until the 31st point in the fury talent tree.
If arms warriors are bullets, fury warriors are rockets.
Fast and capable of dishing out large amounts of damage in a short amount of time, in addition to skills allowing them to heal themselves once bloodthirst is acquired this is the optimal spec for leveling as you move quickly through quests and objectives while providing yourself with some healing.
Generally the following rules of what spec to be in can be followed.
1-15 - Arms 15-40 - Arms or Prot 40-60 - Fury, Prot, Arms 60-80 - Fury, Prot, Arms Arms is ideal for the first few levels as all the skills you can get in all the various skill tree's are of little to no use until later stages of the game.
At level 15 you can begin entering dungeons where prot warriors can be in high demand, as they will be through out the entirety of the game as we are tanks.
Fury becomes more viable as you are able to apply more talent points into the fury tree, it is for that reason it is suggested that you do not into fury until at least level 40 where you can get berserker stance and you are able to use spec for bloodthirst.
At this point all specs are viable for the purposes of leveling with Fury being the optimal choice, especially if one is to level via quests.
Arms would be the next logical choice for quest leveling as the speed is near parallel with that of Fury warriors.
Protection has a niche in that they can tank and queue for dungeons.
They are slow at soloing which translates into slow single quests; however because of the amount of experience that can be gained from dungeons they are viable.
Questing is the optimal form of leveling and can be made faster with the proper warrior spec, and the proper leveling tools.
Additional tools for warrior leveling can be questhelper which is a great add-on, or Zygor Leveling guides, which is a professional leveling guide.
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