The only plaques that you should be worried are not only those found in the neck or in the heart, you also have to be on the lookout for symptoms of clogged arteries in the legs.
Although these aren't as vital as the other arteries like the arteries of the neck and the heart, the leg arteries are also prone to be clogged like the rest.
Yet, you also have to learn in detail information about clogs in the legs.
Gaining the knowledge is just one of the big steps you can do to make a big difference to your health and your family's.
By learning the basics of such condition, you could also help save other people's lives.
Leg arteries, like the major femoral artery, are vital as they provide the legs with the oxygenated blood and nutrients that will aid in the function of the cells and the tissues.
When these arteries become blocked, there will be less oxygen and nutrients to the peripheral parts of the body which are the legs.
This could lead to some conditions.
However, not all the time the arteries get blocked up, you will manifest and feel the symptoms.
Unfortunately, when arteries get clogged up with plaque, the symptoms will start to manifest when there will be decreased oxygenation to that part.
If you are suffering from diabetes, you will most likely be free from feeling any symptom, even if the artery gets narrowed already.
Symptoms of clogged arteries in the legs are fewer than when other arteries get blocked.
But one major symptom and the one that's easily distinguishable is pain in your legs after a few minutes of walking.
The pain will go away when you stop walking, but sometimes, the pain becomes too severe and becomes intractable that it even starts to affect the big toe or the entire foot.
Aside from the pain, there could also be claudicating.
It's when the legs start to numb and there is cramping.
This could also be a clear indication that the leg arteries are becoming clogged.
Once you manifest pain and numbness, it is usually when the arteries have already become clogged, and to tell you the truth, it takes a lot of time before the artery clogs up.
So when the artery clogs up, it can be difficult to reverse the process.
However, you can prevent the whole condition from further progressing to the extent that the opening of the artery is totally blocked off.
One of the many things you can do to prevent it from further becoming severe is to come to your physician.
He will probably prescribe a low dosage of aspirin.
Aspirin is known to be a blood thinner which will prevent the blood from clogging up further.
Another advice your physician may offer is that you add fish oil to your diet.
Fish oil is naturally found to help the blood vessels as it could support healthy blood flow.
Although these aren't as vital as the other arteries like the arteries of the neck and the heart, the leg arteries are also prone to be clogged like the rest.
Yet, you also have to learn in detail information about clogs in the legs.
Gaining the knowledge is just one of the big steps you can do to make a big difference to your health and your family's.
By learning the basics of such condition, you could also help save other people's lives.
Leg arteries, like the major femoral artery, are vital as they provide the legs with the oxygenated blood and nutrients that will aid in the function of the cells and the tissues.
When these arteries become blocked, there will be less oxygen and nutrients to the peripheral parts of the body which are the legs.
This could lead to some conditions.
However, not all the time the arteries get blocked up, you will manifest and feel the symptoms.
Unfortunately, when arteries get clogged up with plaque, the symptoms will start to manifest when there will be decreased oxygenation to that part.
If you are suffering from diabetes, you will most likely be free from feeling any symptom, even if the artery gets narrowed already.
Symptoms of clogged arteries in the legs are fewer than when other arteries get blocked.
But one major symptom and the one that's easily distinguishable is pain in your legs after a few minutes of walking.
The pain will go away when you stop walking, but sometimes, the pain becomes too severe and becomes intractable that it even starts to affect the big toe or the entire foot.
Aside from the pain, there could also be claudicating.
It's when the legs start to numb and there is cramping.
This could also be a clear indication that the leg arteries are becoming clogged.
Once you manifest pain and numbness, it is usually when the arteries have already become clogged, and to tell you the truth, it takes a lot of time before the artery clogs up.
So when the artery clogs up, it can be difficult to reverse the process.
However, you can prevent the whole condition from further progressing to the extent that the opening of the artery is totally blocked off.
One of the many things you can do to prevent it from further becoming severe is to come to your physician.
He will probably prescribe a low dosage of aspirin.
Aspirin is known to be a blood thinner which will prevent the blood from clogging up further.
Another advice your physician may offer is that you add fish oil to your diet.
Fish oil is naturally found to help the blood vessels as it could support healthy blood flow.