Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Cholesterol Lowering Statins and Heart Health Misconceptions

I would like to begin this post by saying I am not a doctor nor did I play one on TV.
That having been said, I am not "legally" qualified to make recommendations concerning prescription medications.
Now that we got that out of the way I would like to share with you what I wrote in my most recent newsletter in regards to statin drugs and their effectiveness.
Heart disease is largely caused by deficiencies of important nutrients including magnesium, coenzyme Q10, chromium, selenium, silicon, vitamin D, and vitamin B6.
Indeed the idea that aspirin helps the heart is a myth.
It has been shown in studies that aspirin alone has no benefits for heart health but only buffered aspirin.
Any guesses as to what they use to buffer aspirin? MAGNESIUM! Magnesium regulates blood pressure and eases arrhythmia and 80-95% of us are magnesium deficient.
Silicon is responsible for strength and elasticity of cardiovascular tissue.
Vitamin B6 keeps the body from making homocysteine.
Now here's the kicker.
Statin drugs can actually make these imbalances worse.
Statins actually interfere with the liver's process of making coenzyme Q10.
And remember that the heart is a muscle the next time you read that the common serious side-effect of statins is muscle pain and damage.
Try a scoop of Super Nutrient instead! I have decided to come back to this issue because of the outrageousness behind the use of statin drugs.
A recent study published in the British Medical Journal shows that for every person that the drug kept from having a heart attack it caused two or more people to suffer liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts (actually another sign of liver weakness) or extreme muscle weakness.
Out of the 10,000 women that were treated in this study 74 got liver damage, 23 acute kidney failure, 39 extreme muscle weakness (please remember the heart is a muscle) and 307 cataracts attributed to the drug.
Now that may not mean too much to you, but if you listen to how statin drugs are being pushed everywhere you turn as miracle drugs that will keep you from a heart attack, and then compare that to the facts, there is a great disparity.
Basically according to this research the drug helps less than 3 people out of 100 and actually harms more than 4 out of 100.
This is horrific!! Over 90% of the people on the drugs get no results at all! The unbelievable (not really) thing is that doctors don't seem to know or care any at all about these statistics.
They have been brainwashed by the same media blitz as have we all.
I could have screamed when I read in a recent article that doctors have been talking about dripping these drugs into the water supply.
ARE THEY INSANE? So, what is the answer then? How does a natural practitioner approach this problem? First, we must expose some misconceptions.
Cholesterol is not the problem.
Triglycerides and homocystein are the problem.
The naturopathic doctor who trained me has been saying for years that if cholesterol gets too low that a person is in danger of cancer.
Now a new study has come out saying that medical researchers are amazed to find that if either HDL or LDL cholesterol, either one, gets too low that one is at a higher risk for cancer.
Now, please reread my newsletter article posted above before reading the following quote: "Our most effective HDL-raising drug that's currently available is niacin," according to Dr.
Richard Karas of the Molecular Cardiology Research Institute at Tufts University in Boston, noting that just 10 percent of people who could benefit from the drug are taking it.
Did you catch that? Niacin!! And he called it a drug!! Are you kidding doc? For those of you who are new to this alternative health and nutrition stuff, niacin is the proper name of vitamin B3.
As I've told any of my clients who have been concerned about cholesterol, if you take enough B vitamins you will prevent the build up of triglycerides which are the actual enemy of your heart.
And for any of you diabetics who started on metformin, or a similar diabetic medication, and are now taking statins, you should know that those diabetic medications block the absorption of B vitamins and that plays a MAJOR role in why you now have to begin another drug.
Just remember that statins in my oppion won't make your cardiovascular system better and are much more likely to make it worse.
In my experience drugs (except in the occasions of emergency medicine) always make you worse and start you on the road to dependence on the pharmaceutical industry.
Stay tuned for more information on related topics and other unrelated topics as well.
Feel free to post a comment, ask a question, or respond with your own personal experiences.
:) God Bless and Good Health to you all Preston Robinson Rose of Sharon Holistic
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