Many landlords have had problems with tenants who keep on changing the settings of the thermostats installed in their homes.
This not only results in higher bills due to over usage, but it also causes problems in the thermostats themselves if they are constantly being adjusted Therefore, installing tamper proof thermostats is a very good idea and is something that a number of landlords are now doing.
Here are some of the benefits of using these and controlling tenant heat usage to reasonable levels.
* One of the main benefits of tamper proof thermostats is that the tenants cannot make any changes to these.
The heat limits are generally between 70 and 73 degrees and the air conditioning goes from 72 to 76 degrees.
Also the limits are programmed into the circuit boards, so no changes can be made to them without having to first change the circuit board.
Also the set point limits are unchangeable which therefore guarantees that tenants cannot manipulate them.
* For the best security pick a tamper proof thermostat that doesn't function with a security code makes them impossible to manipulate.
Some security codes can be hacked into and changed, or your tenants could even buy the same brand of thermostat and figure how to change the code.
Both these would not work well for you and therefore might not be a good option if you want to guarantee thermostat security.
* Tamper proof thermostats are also simple to install.
Most of them come with easy installation manuals and can be set up immediately after taking them out of the box.
They also come with a one year warranty and a thirty day satisfaction guaranteed option which is very useful to have if you are using these for the first time.
If you have any problems with the installation, you can request the company you bought it from to help you out.
* These thermostats are ideal for both residential and commercial properties and have saved many managers and landlords millions of dollars from a single year of usage.
After all expenses add up to a lot when you go through them one by one.
Finding a way to keep some of these down will definitely help you save on a lot of money.
* If you are a landlord who requires a large number of pieces for installation in all the homes and apartments you rent out, then you can even get great discounts on bulk orders.
And some companies even give out free thermostats if you have ordered a huge quantity of them already.
And with the warranties and the 30 day money back offer, you definitely have a very good deal in place.
* Using these thermostats give you peace of mind without the need to constantly watch over your tenants.
And while most of them may not be troublesome and abusive, you will definitely have some who are particularly irksome.
Therefore, it is for tenants like these that tamper proof thermostats have been designed.
Not only will this teach them to help conserve energy but also that they cannot take undue advantage of the fact that you are a kind and considerate landlord or manager.
This not only results in higher bills due to over usage, but it also causes problems in the thermostats themselves if they are constantly being adjusted Therefore, installing tamper proof thermostats is a very good idea and is something that a number of landlords are now doing.
Here are some of the benefits of using these and controlling tenant heat usage to reasonable levels.
* One of the main benefits of tamper proof thermostats is that the tenants cannot make any changes to these.
The heat limits are generally between 70 and 73 degrees and the air conditioning goes from 72 to 76 degrees.
Also the limits are programmed into the circuit boards, so no changes can be made to them without having to first change the circuit board.
Also the set point limits are unchangeable which therefore guarantees that tenants cannot manipulate them.
* For the best security pick a tamper proof thermostat that doesn't function with a security code makes them impossible to manipulate.
Some security codes can be hacked into and changed, or your tenants could even buy the same brand of thermostat and figure how to change the code.
Both these would not work well for you and therefore might not be a good option if you want to guarantee thermostat security.
* Tamper proof thermostats are also simple to install.
Most of them come with easy installation manuals and can be set up immediately after taking them out of the box.
They also come with a one year warranty and a thirty day satisfaction guaranteed option which is very useful to have if you are using these for the first time.
If you have any problems with the installation, you can request the company you bought it from to help you out.
* These thermostats are ideal for both residential and commercial properties and have saved many managers and landlords millions of dollars from a single year of usage.
After all expenses add up to a lot when you go through them one by one.
Finding a way to keep some of these down will definitely help you save on a lot of money.
* If you are a landlord who requires a large number of pieces for installation in all the homes and apartments you rent out, then you can even get great discounts on bulk orders.
And some companies even give out free thermostats if you have ordered a huge quantity of them already.
And with the warranties and the 30 day money back offer, you definitely have a very good deal in place.
* Using these thermostats give you peace of mind without the need to constantly watch over your tenants.
And while most of them may not be troublesome and abusive, you will definitely have some who are particularly irksome.
Therefore, it is for tenants like these that tamper proof thermostats have been designed.
Not only will this teach them to help conserve energy but also that they cannot take undue advantage of the fact that you are a kind and considerate landlord or manager.