Having a licensed realtor represent you whether you are buying or selling a home might be something that some people think they can go it alone and handle this by themselves. Think about the fact that this may be your most expensive purchase of your life, or you may be selling the most expensive thing you would ever sell. If you were having to get involved in a lawsuit would you want to represent yourself? You would want someone who knows the entire process and help you to be represented. An accountant would be best to handle your finances if they are in-depth. So man different professionals are needed for various things in your life and real estate is no exception to that rule.
Having a realtor show you homes when you are buying is one thing but the advise along the way and the negotiations and contracts are much more important that simply finding a home that you like. From the beginning the advise of whether or not the builder of the home is a reputable builder is one thing a good experienced agent may know. Looking at critical things about the home is another thing that they can advise you about. A good experienced realtor would look at the home with an eye that would consider what might make the same home difficult to sell when the time comes is something that should be considered. They can help you understand the negative things that you may not think about when you see a home.
The contracts and other documents that are pages long that you will be signing should also be something someone who deals with them on a daily basis could assist you in understanding. Negotiating the contract and all the details in the inspection period is also something a professional should be handling. Often time when a transaction in real property is handled between two individuals rather than agents the deal falls out of escrow or worse yet a lawsuit gets filed. A real estate agent. You certainly do not want this to happen.
Keep in mind that as a buyer, the realtors fee is covered by the seller so you are not even paying for this representation. Respect your realtor and always let them know any and all of your concerns during the process.
These days with so many different types of sales in the housing market it is even more crucial that you work with someone who is up to date with the new contracts and disclosures. Be protected, use a licensed real estate agent and do not regret the aftermath.
Nancy Niblett is a highly successful Real Estate Agent specializing in the Chandler area. She credits her success to hard work, integrity and honesty. Clients continue to refer her over and over again. Nancy is one of the most successful award-winning agents and currently with West USA Revelation.
Having a realtor show you homes when you are buying is one thing but the advise along the way and the negotiations and contracts are much more important that simply finding a home that you like. From the beginning the advise of whether or not the builder of the home is a reputable builder is one thing a good experienced agent may know. Looking at critical things about the home is another thing that they can advise you about. A good experienced realtor would look at the home with an eye that would consider what might make the same home difficult to sell when the time comes is something that should be considered. They can help you understand the negative things that you may not think about when you see a home.
The contracts and other documents that are pages long that you will be signing should also be something someone who deals with them on a daily basis could assist you in understanding. Negotiating the contract and all the details in the inspection period is also something a professional should be handling. Often time when a transaction in real property is handled between two individuals rather than agents the deal falls out of escrow or worse yet a lawsuit gets filed. A real estate agent. You certainly do not want this to happen.
Keep in mind that as a buyer, the realtors fee is covered by the seller so you are not even paying for this representation. Respect your realtor and always let them know any and all of your concerns during the process.
These days with so many different types of sales in the housing market it is even more crucial that you work with someone who is up to date with the new contracts and disclosures. Be protected, use a licensed real estate agent and do not regret the aftermath.
Nancy Niblett is a highly successful Real Estate Agent specializing in the Chandler area. She credits her success to hard work, integrity and honesty. Clients continue to refer her over and over again. Nancy is one of the most successful award-winning agents and currently with West USA Revelation.