Runners want to eat what is good for them and for their performance! Meat is full of iron which helps to keep their energy levels up.
Most know that chicken is a good meat source and eat it all the time.
And, that can get old! But, runners can eat other types of meat, also.
Read on for information for meat loving runners! While we're talking about chicken, most runners think that it is only the breast that is good for them.
But, the dark meat of the chicken is also good for you.
Actually, the dark meat of the thighs, legs and wings are higher in iron content.
So, if you like the dark meat of the chicken - it's perfectly alright to eat it to mix up your chicken diet.
The skin of the chicken is what you want to stay away from - the rest of it is perfectly fine.
Pork is also great for runners.
Pork tenderloin has fewer calories than chicken breasts.
I love to grill center cut pork chops outside - seasoned with sage and poultry seasoning.
They are a great and healthy alternative to chicken.
I'm not a lamb eater - but it is a super source of Omega 3's, which is good for your heart.
If you do eat lamb - make sure that it is the leaner part.
Lamb is also a good source of iron for runners.
And, now to my favorite meat - beef! Contrary to popular belief, red meat is good for you - and for runners! It is an excellent source of protein - which runners need in their diet.
It is also a great source of zinc- which is needed for runners that do longer distances.
A nice juicy steak is a great meal for your after race meal or after a hard workout.
Just make sure that you are eating leaner cuts.
Look for sirloin, filet mignon and 95 percent lean ground beef for your red meat choices.
To eat healthy as a runner doesn't mean that you have to eat chicken breasts all the time.
It's perfectly fine to branch out and put other types of meat into your weekly diet.
And, you can do so without feeling guilty!
Most know that chicken is a good meat source and eat it all the time.
And, that can get old! But, runners can eat other types of meat, also.
Read on for information for meat loving runners! While we're talking about chicken, most runners think that it is only the breast that is good for them.
But, the dark meat of the chicken is also good for you.
Actually, the dark meat of the thighs, legs and wings are higher in iron content.
So, if you like the dark meat of the chicken - it's perfectly alright to eat it to mix up your chicken diet.
The skin of the chicken is what you want to stay away from - the rest of it is perfectly fine.
Pork is also great for runners.
Pork tenderloin has fewer calories than chicken breasts.
I love to grill center cut pork chops outside - seasoned with sage and poultry seasoning.
They are a great and healthy alternative to chicken.
I'm not a lamb eater - but it is a super source of Omega 3's, which is good for your heart.
If you do eat lamb - make sure that it is the leaner part.
Lamb is also a good source of iron for runners.
And, now to my favorite meat - beef! Contrary to popular belief, red meat is good for you - and for runners! It is an excellent source of protein - which runners need in their diet.
It is also a great source of zinc- which is needed for runners that do longer distances.
A nice juicy steak is a great meal for your after race meal or after a hard workout.
Just make sure that you are eating leaner cuts.
Look for sirloin, filet mignon and 95 percent lean ground beef for your red meat choices.
To eat healthy as a runner doesn't mean that you have to eat chicken breasts all the time.
It's perfectly fine to branch out and put other types of meat into your weekly diet.
And, you can do so without feeling guilty!