Business & Finance Blogging

Free Blogs Are Not Free

Right now, if you're reading this, you probably have fantastic idea for a blog and not too much else.
Am I right? You don't know how to start or even where to starting looking and that's okay.
Every single person who has a blog online right now has, at some point, been in your shoes.
What a lot of budding bloggers end up doing is starting with a free blog, a free domain name and free hosting.
Sounds great, right? I'm going to suggest you not do this.
How Free Blogs Cost You There are thousands of places online you where you can start a free blog hosted by someone else.
Within about 2 minutes from now you can be happily typing away on a blog for nothing.
Well, it's not really nothing.
It may be free as in you don't pay any money for it but it does cost you.
You won't have control over your blog, you won't have control over the domain, there may be ads on the blog that you don't get revenue from, and you must obey their policies and rules and so on.
It's not yours.
What happens if you violate a rule? Or they change the rules? Or decide they no longer want blogs about the stuff you blog about? Your site can get shut down in an instant.
It happens.
Why are they Offered for Free? There is always a catch when something is offered for free and doubly so online.
Why would anyone out there offer free service to anyone who wants them? It's not an inexpensive thing to do on a large scale.
There are servers, employees, software, insurance, and security and so on just like any other business.
So why are the free blog people giving these things away? It's simple.
They are going to make money from your efforts.
It could be something as simple as by showing ads to your visitors.
It could be they offer you a basic blog for free but for advanced or custom options they charge you.
It could be they simply want all that data and web traffic.
Think about it.
If you had hundreds of thousands or millions of blogs out there, that you controlled but other people worked hard to put their content on, you'd have one heck of a lot of data and traffic flow.
Take Away Very often bloggers who start out on free blogs will eventually abandon them and create a self hosted blog with their own domain name and their own hosting account.
It's amazingly cheap to do.
My suggestion to you, even though it may sound complicated (it's not!), is to blog on your own website with your own domain name.
Skip this first step with the "free" blogs and do your own thing.
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