Success----- what exactly is success? Is it a means through which material welfare and the ‘finer things in life' can be acquired or is it simply a goal to be achieved by anyone and everyone in the world? Contrary to the bookish definition being: ‘A state of prosperity or fame', success has different meanings for different individuals.
Despite the varying schools of thought regarding this social phenomenon, it is seen as something desired by all, who quite unfortunately do not give much weight age to lessons acquired on the path to success.
Numerous researches have been carried out by social psychologists to identify the motivating forces that act as a driving force behind the strong willingness to achieve, to succeed. According to the Social Identity Theory adapted by Tajfel, success is seen as a means of gaining respect and acceptance amongst one's counterparts and peers. People who have a dire need for social acceptance tend to have a greater craving for it.
Success for some can simply be measured through their materialistic achievements, business deals and economic transactions; calculating, observing, planning and undertaking pro- active measures at the right time.
What they probably fail to consider is the loss of quality time they could have had otherwise spent with their friends and family---- contrary to calculating profit margins and marketing strategies. In economic terms, one might say this was the opportunity cost of material success: the cost of the next best alternative forgone. Hence what they gain in terms of monetary welfare they lose out in terms of establishing and maintaining that strong bond that unites a family.
For some, success acts as a stimulant for further hard work and vigilant efforts. The Muslims prior to 1947 can deem this true considering historical event such as the persistant struggle for indepemdence. Despite increasingly oppressive atrocities committed by the contesting parties, the hope of Pakistan was never surrendered! Thus history bears witness to the fact that perseverance and determination are vital lessons only to be acquired on the path to success. This can be further enhanced by a modern day quotation:
"It is not the journey that matters in the end but the lessons you learn on it."
Success, unless accompanied by valuable lessons and a greater comprehension of one's potential is futile. It is the ability to cope with difficulties and overcome adversity that holds greater value:
"Adversity causes some to break, others to break records."
Hence, it is of paramount significance to not merely desire success, the locus of our cravings should be to become responsible, successful individuals who play their vital role for the welfare of the general society and it's inhabitants.
Only in such an eventuality can an individual be rightly regarded as ‘Successful' and should strive further for the fulfillment of his/ her dreams…