- 1). Check the connection between your keyboard and the PS2 or USB port on your computer. This is where the keyboard plugs in. There are hardware keyloggers that are difficult to see, which can be attached at the end of the cable on your keyboard. If you find an attachment, remove it so that it will no longer be able to record. The USB keyloggers are usually about the size of a thumb drive, while a PS2 keylogger is usually small, cylindrical and grayish.
- 2). Use an anti-spyware software. A program like Spybot Search and Destroy (see Resources) will get rid of most forms of spyware including keyloggers and malware. Go to the site and download and install it. As of 2010, it is free.
After it is installed, open up the application and click on "Check for Problems." It will scan your system, which could take about 30 minutes. When it finishes, it will ask you if you wish to remove the programs that may be causing your problems. Click "Yes," and they will be deleted. - 3). Use an anti-keylogger program (see Resources). These programs are the most effective at protecting against keylogger devices. They target the specific algorithm that all keyloggers must use to function. This means that the software doesn't need to do a scan or even be updated. It will automatically detect and disable the program when it is installed. As of 2010, these programs cost between $34.95 and $59.95 for a one-user license.