- There are different levels of vegetarianism. Some vegetarians avoid only animal meat, while others may also avoid eggs, dairy products and other animal byproducts. A lot of nutrients, such as protein and calcium, come from meats and dairy products; therefore it is important that a vegetarian gets these nutrients through other sources.
- Quinoa is a type of plant seed that is often mistaken as being a type of grain. Quinoa resembles little round pellets that are about the size of rice grains. Cooked quinoa is fluffy in texture and has a nutty taste. It's high is protein and low in fat. According to DietRiffic.com, a cup of quinoa provide about 127 calories, 2 g of fat, 23.4 g of carbohydrates (2 of those being fiber), and 4.5 g of protein.
- Legumes are plants whose seeds grow inside pods. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts and soy beans are examples of legumes. Legumes are packed full of nutrients such as protein, iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, and fiber. According to NetWellness.org, 1/4 cup of legumes equals 1 oz. of animal protein. Legumes can be eaten fresh, sprouted, dried or ground into flour for consumption. It's better to ease into eating legumes to prevent intestinal gas during digestion.
- According to SoyaBe.com, "Tofu is a soft cheese-like food made by curdling soya milk with a coagulant." There are three different types of tofu: firm, soft and silken. Firm tofu can be cubed, and can be used in a variety of recipes. Firm tofu has a higher amount of protein than the other two types of tofu. Soft tofu is used in recipes that call for blended ingredients. Silken tofu is more creamy than the other two types and is used in blended recipes much like soft tofu.
- Dark green vegetables are a source of many vitamins and minerals. Spinach, kale, broccoli and mustard greens are examples of dark green vegetables. Eating moderate amounts of these foods each day will help keep you healthy. Nutrients such as iron; folate; calcium; and vitamins A, C and K can be found in dark green veggies. These nutrients are necessary for healthy body and brain function. If you are a vegetarian who avoids dairy products, consuming dark green vegetables will give you the calcium your body needs.
Dark Green Veggies