Health & Medical Nutrition

Types of Vitamin B

The group of Vitamin B plays an important role in the body's metabolism function.
It enables the proper utilization of vitamin B in the body's system.
It helps us to maintain a healthy skin.
It also promotes proper muscle tone.
It helps strengthen the immune system which makes us free from sickness.
It ensures the proper function of the nervous system.
Also, it enables cell growth and division.
This function helps the body to prevent anemia.
Moreover, it helps us prevent pancreatic cancer which is deadly.
Here are the functions of Vitamin B: • One known type is Vitamin B1 or Thiamine - It converts carbohydrates into energy and helps the metabolism of proteins and fats.
Its deficiency is among alcoholic people because alcohol in the blood interferes with the absorption of thiamine through the intestine.
Too much of this can cause headache, irritability, rapid pulse, and weakness.
• Another key player is Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin.
It completes several reactions in the energy cycle.
It is also important in the keeping the skin healthy in the mucous membranes, the cornea of the eye, and for nerve sheaths.
The deficiency of these result to skin disorders, anemia, light sensitive eyes, and inflammation of the soft tissue lining around the mouth and nose.
• Moreover, there is Vitamin B3 which is also known as niacin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide.
It helps the metabolism of carbohydrates.
It is commonly found in protein-rich foods.
If too much of this is consumed, it results to itchiness, headaches, cramps, nausea, and swollen skin may occur.
• Also, one of the most important of them is Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid.
This type of vitamin B promotes large number of metabolic reaction essential for the growth and well being of animals.
• In addition is the Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine.
This is a coenzyme for several enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Pyridoxine is also used in the production of the red blood cells.
Its deficiency causes skin orders, disruption of the nervous system, confusion, poor coordination and insomnia.
• Also, there is the Vitamin B7 which is also known as biotin or vitamin H.
It plays a key role in metabolic process that lead to the formation of fats and the utilization of carbon dioxide.
• Adding to the list is Vitamin B9 which is also known as folic acid or vitamin M.
It leads the synthesis of nucleic acids and the formation of red blood cells.
It is also necessary for the breaking down of proteins and the formation of hemoglobin.
Its deficiency causes anemia, poor growth, and irritation of the mouth.
It is a common condition among people who constantly drink, the elderly, and the malnourished.
• Lastly is the Vitamin B12 (various cobalamins).
It is a complex crystalline compound that works in all cells.
It is known to help in the development of red blood cells among animals.
To know the benefits of vitamins, check out http://meditate.
for information.
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