Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Treatment for Rosacea

Unfortunately, the exact causes of rosacea are unknown, but with some basic knowledge of the causes and some natural treatments, you can get your rosacea under control and not suffer from embarrassment any longer.

A person suffering from rosacea might consider a natural treatment for rosacea. There are drugs a person can use to treat rosacea, both topically and orally. Some of these drugs have side-effects, some only treat some of the symptoms, and some work for a period of time, leaving the person suffering from rosacea to find something else that works.

The first line of defense, of course, is knowledge. While doctors and medical professionals are still unsure of exactly what causes rosacea, they are sure of several "triggers", that if avoided, can help to reduce the number of rosacea flare ups a person can have. These triggers include:

Sun exposure- if a person with rosacea is going to be out in the sun, he or she should use sunscreen and/or a large brimmed hat to keep the amount of sun exposure to a minimum. Sun damage also plays a part in rosacea flare ups.

Stress- if a person suffering from rosacea gets too stressed, with anxiety, fear or other strong negative emotions, this can play a role in the rosacea being triggered.

Alcohol- alcoholic beverages have been known to play a role in the troublesome flare ups rosacea can bring on.

If a person is having trouble finding a prescription medication that deals with all the symptoms, he or she might find the total solution in a natural treatment for rosacea. There are several home remedies and natural solutions to this ongoing problem that can do as well, or better, than the drugs that are currently available.

One natural treatment for rosacea is to simply change the diet to include lots of vegetables, fruits and water. This will bring down the acidity in the person's system to alleviate the symptoms of rosacea.

Another natural treatment for rosacea has been found to be green tea cream, initially tested on 60 women. These women all carried some or all of the symptoms of rosacea, with redness in the face, pustules, bumps and blood vessels that were clearly noticeable. The green tea cream was applied for a period of four weeks. At the end of the trial, there was a noticeable reduction in the bumps and pustules.

Licorice is a natural treatment for rosacea. Licorice is an herb that was proven beneficial for improving the redness associated with rosacea in a study that included 62 rosacea sufferers. It was used topically, with a treatment regimen. It was assessed at four weeks and again at eight weeks, with a significant decrease in redness on both time periods.

Digestive enzymes are also considered to be a natural treatment for rosacea. Rosacea sufferers have been known to get indigestion after eating foods with a high fat content. Indigestion can be caused by a lack of lipase, the enzyme produced by the pancrease. When the participants in a study were given enzyme supplements, the symptoms they suffered for their indigestion and the rosacea improved.

Each individual can find the natural treatment for rosacea that best meets their needs. With a prescribed medicine or a natural treatment, everyone has to find what works best for him or her. But the cure could be the very first one a person picks, leading to an improved appearance and a healthier sense of well-being.
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