Things You'll Need
1Take your child to the pediatrician to determine whether there is some underlying cause for his bedwetting. Having a small bladder, not producing enough ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) at night or having diabetes can cause bedwetting that cannot be addressed with St. John's Wort.
Discuss with the pediatrician your plan to use St. John's Wort to treat your child's nighttime incontinence. In particular, check with her to see whether the herb can have a bad interaction with medicines your child is taking.
Find a health store in your area from which you can purchase the St. John's Wort herb. The recommended preparation to treat children's bedwetting is a tincture, which you can either prepare yourself from dried herbs or buy at the store.
Purchase only standardized preparations. This means that the herb has been processed to ensure that the minimum level of active ingredient is in the preparation. Non-standardized herbs do not have a guaranteed level of potency.
Use up to 10 drops of St. John's Wort tincture at bedtime to treat children's bedwetting. St. John's Wort is a natural remedy for depression and anxiety. If the underlying cause of your child's problem is stress, it can help to relieve his anxiety.
Provide the herb in the form of a mild tea if your child can't tolerate the taste of the alcohol-based tincture. Use 1 tbsp. of dried St. John's Wort per 8-oz. cup of hot water to make a children's strength tea. Leave it to steep for about 20 minutes.