Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Knowing Which Gout Food To Avoid Can Help You Get Rid Of Gout Symptoms

Uric acids is a waste product from the breakdown of purines which are substances naturally found in your body.
Purines are also found in several types of food.
Gout happens when an abnormally high level of uric acids build up in your blood stream and are deposited as crystals in the space between your joints causing inflammation and excruciating pain.
Hence, knowing which gout food to avoid is a treatment in itself.
The treatment of gout in the past included very strict dietary regiments but because of the progress made in modern medications that are used to combat gout, these regiments are no longer as harsh as they used to be.
There still are some recommended dietary modifications though as they can greatly help your chances of avoiding gout flare-ups.
Many medications for gout have undesirable side effects so dietary modifications is still a healthier option to consider than the medications.
What Gout Food To Avoid? 1.
Foods that are high in purines such as liver, brain, kidney, sweetbread, anchovies, peas, beans, mackerel, mincemeat, scallops, muscles, and herring should be avoided.
Other foods such as poultry, meat, and fish which have lesser amounts of purines should be eaten in moderation.
Avoiding alcohol altogether or only drinking it in very limited quantity during special occasions.
Drinking a lot of alcohol increases the risk of hyperuricemia as the alcohol gets in the way of the natural removal of uric acids from the body.
If you have gout and especially if you are having a gout attack, alcohol should be avoided completely.
Drink plenty of water daily to flush out the uric acids from your body system.
Try to drink about 2 liters of water a day and more if you are exercising or have a physical job.
Limiting the intake of refined sugar such as sucrose, which is commonly known as white sugar and fructose, which is commonly found in fruit juice because both the sucrose and fructose are known to increase the uric acid levels in our body.
Avoid foods that are high in fats and protein as they are known to raise the levels of uric acids in the body thereby increasing the chances of gout flare-ups.
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