Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Grow Oak Trees From Seed

    • 1). Start with a few healthy, plump acorns. Gather acorns that have just fallen from the oak tree, or give the tree a shake to dislodge the ripe acorns. Throw away any that have holes, as this is a sign of worms or grubs.

    • 2). Fill a plastic bag with organic material such as peat moss or leaf mold. The materials should be slightly damp. Put the acorns in the bag and close the top of the bag loosely so air can still enter the bag. Store the bag of acorns in a place where the temperature will remain between 35 and 39 degrees for about six weeks.

    • 3). Mix equal amounts of sphagnum moss and good quality commercial potting soil, and fill a 1-cup size Styrofoam drinking cup, leaving adequate space for water at the top. Use a small nail to poke a few holes in the sides of the cup, near the bottom.

    • 4). Poke the acorn into the soil either point down or horizontally, and cover it with a thin layer of soil. Water the acorn until water drips from the drainage holes, and then set the cup in a windowsill with southern exposure.

    • 5). Water the acorns daily, or even more if the soil appears dry. After the acorn sprouts, turn the cup regularly so that oak seedling will develop a straight stem.

    • 6). Transplant the seedling into a 2-cup size Styrofoam drinking cup when it's about six inches tall. Be sure to poke drainage holes near the bottom. At this point, the seedling should spend a few hours outside every day, which will produce a sturdy, healthy oak tree. Continue to check the moisture often, and add a weak fertilizer solution to the water. Watch for bugs and critters that might want to feast on the tender seedling.

    • 7). Watch the seedling to see if the roots are beginning to crowd at the bottom of the cup, and transplant again, this time to a 4-cup size Styrofoam drinking cup.

    • 8). Plant the seedling outdoors in the fall, or if you prefer, you can keep it in for the winter, where it should be kept cold, preferably between about 20 and 30 degrees. The soil should be kept just slightly damp. Plant it outdoors in late winter or early spring.

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