As far as I can tell health food junkies and people who obsess over fiind good foods and eliminating bad foods the 'right' foods have a fundamental assumption that is wrong; that is they assume their bodies are built to be perfect and that imperfect foods are the cause of their problems.
The erroneous fundamental assumption is that you are perfect.
This assumption is flatly false.
Every person has a unique make up that determines the foods they can and can't handle, and the 'can't' handle list is always far smaller than the 'can' handle list.
Some of us might react to peanuts, others might not tolerate wheat gluten, others still might be lactose intolerant.
The point is we are all slightly different and the foods we can all handle are slightly different.
We are not all built the same, and by no means are each of our bodies 'perfect' as holistic practitioners would have you believe.
Try telling someone who is lactose intolerant that milk is the best source of calcium and they must drink it for strong bones.
That probably won't go over to well for them.
They know dairy products just don't work for them and they can easily find calcium in other forms of food.
In this case dairy products are on their 'bad' list, but proponents of dairy products would most assuredly have milk on their 'good' list.
In other words, the same food can be 'good' or 'bad' depending on the person.
Accepting your imperfections is the first step to being free from Obsessive Compulsive Eating and learning to enjoy the journey of your life, instead of living on a fictitious razors edge of eating perfectly vs becoming ill.
The truth of the matter is that we all have our own personal quirks.
Some people may react to peanuts, others can have them.
In both cases the peanut is the same, it is the person who is different.
If you don't have a fatally serious reaction to a food (like some violent peanut allergies) then I would say most foods are fine to eat and you shouldn't spend any time worrying about what is 'good' or 'bad' for you.
The stress and complication of trying to eat 'healthy' in and of itself is probably a greater detriment to your overall health than eating the foods you are trying to get rid of.
The bottom line is balance.
I'm sure you were put on this earth to do something more than create menu's and try to eat a perfect diet.
Eat what you like, don't overeat, and get on with the rest of your life.
The erroneous fundamental assumption is that you are perfect.
This assumption is flatly false.
Every person has a unique make up that determines the foods they can and can't handle, and the 'can't' handle list is always far smaller than the 'can' handle list.
Some of us might react to peanuts, others might not tolerate wheat gluten, others still might be lactose intolerant.
The point is we are all slightly different and the foods we can all handle are slightly different.
We are not all built the same, and by no means are each of our bodies 'perfect' as holistic practitioners would have you believe.
Try telling someone who is lactose intolerant that milk is the best source of calcium and they must drink it for strong bones.
That probably won't go over to well for them.
They know dairy products just don't work for them and they can easily find calcium in other forms of food.
In this case dairy products are on their 'bad' list, but proponents of dairy products would most assuredly have milk on their 'good' list.
In other words, the same food can be 'good' or 'bad' depending on the person.
Accepting your imperfections is the first step to being free from Obsessive Compulsive Eating and learning to enjoy the journey of your life, instead of living on a fictitious razors edge of eating perfectly vs becoming ill.
The truth of the matter is that we all have our own personal quirks.
Some people may react to peanuts, others can have them.
In both cases the peanut is the same, it is the person who is different.
If you don't have a fatally serious reaction to a food (like some violent peanut allergies) then I would say most foods are fine to eat and you shouldn't spend any time worrying about what is 'good' or 'bad' for you.
The stress and complication of trying to eat 'healthy' in and of itself is probably a greater detriment to your overall health than eating the foods you are trying to get rid of.
The bottom line is balance.
I'm sure you were put on this earth to do something more than create menu's and try to eat a perfect diet.
Eat what you like, don't overeat, and get on with the rest of your life.