- Divide the players into two teams and hide several clues leading to the final prize. For example, write, "Brrr..It is cold in here" on the first clue. This should lead the players to the refrigerator. On another clue write, "You can get clean in here," which would be the bathtub. Make a different set of clues for each team; however, on the last clue for both teams, make it the same. This leads the teams to the final prize and the first team to find it wins the basket of goodies.
- For a messy game, try an outdoor game of egg toss. Have the players select a partner and give each pair a raw egg. You can use hard-broiled eggs to have less mess. Tell the players to line up facing each other about five feet apart. When you say, "Toss," one player has to toss the egg to the other player. If the egg drops or busts, that team is out of the game. All pairs still in the game must take one giant step backward and toss again. The team who can toss the egg from the furthest distance without it breaking wins the game.
- Split the players into even teams and have them stand in a single file line. Have each team hold hands and give the first player in each team line a hula hoop. When you say, "Go," the teams have to pass the hula hoop all the way down their team line and back to the first player in the line without letting go of each other's hand. The first team to accomplish this wins the game.
- Have the players sit in a circle and select one player to go first. The selected player has to say, "I am going to the beach and I am taking a (beach ball)." Players have to name a random item they want to take to the beach, such as a beach ball, sunglasses or sunscreen. If the first player says, "beach ball," the second player has to say, "I am going to the beach and I am taking a beach ball and a (bottle of sunscreen). Each player has to repeat each item the players in front of him said in order and add an item of his own. If any player incorrectly states the order or cannot remember the order, he is out of the game. The last player to remember the correct order and all the items wins the game.
Treasure Hunt
Egg Toss
Pass the Hula Hoop
Memory Beach Game