- 1). Sign in to your Drupal site and click on "Add Content." Click on "Basic Page" to begin creating a custom page to set as the homepage.
- 2). Give the page a title, such as "Front," "Home" or "Landing Page." Leave the "Body" field blank.
- 3). Click "Save." Your custom homepage is now created.
- 1). Click on the "Configuration" menu tab and then click "Site Information."
- 2). Scroll to "Default Front Page." Type the name of your custom homepage.
- 3). Click on "Save Configuration." The base level domain will now point to the custom page.
- 1). Click on "Structure," then click on "Blocks."
- 2). Drag and drop the blocks you want to appear on your homepage into the desired regions. For example, if you want to add a search box to the sidebar, drag the search box block into the area labeled "Sidebar."
- 3). Click "Configure" beside each block you wish to add to the homepage. Scroll down and click "Visibility Settings." Click "Pages." Below the "Show Block on Specific Pages" column, select "Only the Listed Pages." Type "<front>" (without quotation marks) into the text box.
- 4). Click "Configure" next to "Main Page Content." Click on "Visibility Settings" and then "Pages." Check the box next to "All Pages Except Those Listed." Type "<front>" (without quotes) into the box. This step is optional and removes the blog-like default content feed from your custom homepage.
Creating the Custom Homepage
Configuring Your Drupal Site to Point to the Custom Homepage
Configuring and Adding Blocks to the Custom Homepage