Hillary Pike on Meditation
Meditation is a process of going inward and connecting with your true self. There are so many different ways to meditate. I want to share with some of my favorite types of meditation, and how they can help you. Yogananda said "The soul loves to meditate for in connection with the spirit lies its greatest joy." The most joyful experiences in my life have been in meditation connecting with spirit. We as humans are training that we need so many things to be happy, such as; the perfect relationship, car, career, home and friends. We search for all of the things outside of ourselves that we think are going to bring us joy. We forget that all the love, joy and peace we could ever imagine lives right inside of ourselves. That is why we meditate to connect with spirit and the joy in our hearts. There are many ways to meditate. One popular style is silent meditation, sitting in silence and focus inwardly or towards God. You can meditate while listening to a guided visualization; this is a great way to use the power of words to bring you into a good feeling. There are many meditations that use matras (words or sounds repeated) and mudras (hand positions that guide reflexes to the brain). Pranyama's are breathing exercises that fill your body with Prana (life force energy). Many Kundalini Yoga meditations bring pranayama, mudras and mantras all together to create an experience of higher consciousness. I have noticed that I am able to stay more focused in my meditations with I bring my attention to a certain place in my body. Try bringing your attention to your third eye point, the dark space in between your eyebrows helps to activate your intuition. The third eye point is your center for intuition. You can also bring your attention to your heart chakra allowing love to expand through it. Two other powerful places are the center of your head which allows you to take back your power and be senior in your body. The higher mind is two inches back and up from the center of your head, this space I have noticed makes me feel heightened awareness. Meditation practice it is all about the experience. Work through it with awareness; try different mantras, mudrahs and bringing your awareness to different places to see what the results are for you. You can't do it wrong. Many people believe that they cannot meditate because they cannot get there mind to quiet down. Even many masters of meditation still have thoughts come up, that you cannot control. Be aware while being gentle with yourself. Know that if you have a thought or thoughts that it is okay you are doing the best you can. The more your practice the more aware you will become and the quieter your mind will be.
I enjoy using words in my meditations and allowing them to come into feelings. Right now think of the word joy and take three deep breaths allowing joy to spread to every cell in your body. Next use the word love and allow yourself to truly feel the love in your heart and as you breathe let that feeling of love spread to every cell in your body. It is our thoughts and feelings that create our reality. Though meditation you can create more joy and love within yourself.
Meditation is a process of going inward and connecting with your true self. There are so many different ways to meditate. I want to share with some of my favorite types of meditation, and how they can help you. Yogananda said "The soul loves to meditate for in connection with the spirit lies its greatest joy." The most joyful experiences in my life have been in meditation connecting with spirit. We as humans are training that we need so many things to be happy, such as; the perfect relationship, car, career, home and friends. We search for all of the things outside of ourselves that we think are going to bring us joy. We forget that all the love, joy and peace we could ever imagine lives right inside of ourselves. That is why we meditate to connect with spirit and the joy in our hearts. There are many ways to meditate. One popular style is silent meditation, sitting in silence and focus inwardly or towards God. You can meditate while listening to a guided visualization; this is a great way to use the power of words to bring you into a good feeling. There are many meditations that use matras (words or sounds repeated) and mudras (hand positions that guide reflexes to the brain). Pranyama's are breathing exercises that fill your body with Prana (life force energy). Many Kundalini Yoga meditations bring pranayama, mudras and mantras all together to create an experience of higher consciousness. I have noticed that I am able to stay more focused in my meditations with I bring my attention to a certain place in my body. Try bringing your attention to your third eye point, the dark space in between your eyebrows helps to activate your intuition. The third eye point is your center for intuition. You can also bring your attention to your heart chakra allowing love to expand through it. Two other powerful places are the center of your head which allows you to take back your power and be senior in your body. The higher mind is two inches back and up from the center of your head, this space I have noticed makes me feel heightened awareness. Meditation practice it is all about the experience. Work through it with awareness; try different mantras, mudrahs and bringing your awareness to different places to see what the results are for you. You can't do it wrong. Many people believe that they cannot meditate because they cannot get there mind to quiet down. Even many masters of meditation still have thoughts come up, that you cannot control. Be aware while being gentle with yourself. Know that if you have a thought or thoughts that it is okay you are doing the best you can. The more your practice the more aware you will become and the quieter your mind will be.
I enjoy using words in my meditations and allowing them to come into feelings. Right now think of the word joy and take three deep breaths allowing joy to spread to every cell in your body. Next use the word love and allow yourself to truly feel the love in your heart and as you breathe let that feeling of love spread to every cell in your body. It is our thoughts and feelings that create our reality. Though meditation you can create more joy and love within yourself.