Business & Finance Social Media

Social Media Marketing - Outsourcing, 3 Deadly Mistakes and What To Do Instead When You Outsource

Outsourcing is a popular topic these days, should you or shouldn't you; there are lots of opinions for both.
  Here are 3 mistakes to look out for and what you can do instead to make sure you are getting the best out of your outsourcing dollars.
I have heard so many people say once they can afford to outsource they can just forget about it.
  HMMMM do you really think your business will thrive if you are not there to provide the attention it needs? Mistake Number One Just pick the first person that comes along and dump your work on them and walk away, this requires no effort or thought on your part.
  However you will very likely find that your new "employee" will put no effort or thought into how they do your work.
You need to do the work up front to find a good match.
  This takes knowing your job very well and the skills that it takes to get it done properly.
  Talk to your potential candidates and find out what makes them tick.
  Remember you are much better off investing the time up front finding that good match who will do your job well.
Mistake Number Two Too many people just jump into outsourcing without taking the time to think about what the reason they are outsourcing in the first place.
  This will result in potential disasters between what you want and what you get.
  Keep your end result in mind...
  why you are outsourcing in the first place?  What specifically do you want to accomplish?  Knowing this up front will assist you in finding that "good match" and allow you to more easily measure the results of your outsourcing dollars.
Mistake Number Three How many times have you heard someone say "oh ya, I tried that outsourcing, it didn't work".
  You must take the time to train and show the new person exactly what you want.
  They definitely will not be a mind reader.
  Detailed instructions (best if in writing are a MUST, especially if you are asking them to perform technical tasks.
  Remember this too will take time.
  However when you invest the time and effort with your new person they will get a better and better understanding of your needs.
  When you make that up front investment you will find that as time goes on they will be able to make suggestions and provide ideas that will assist in growing your business.
Bonus Mistake Number Four If you have the belief that you will be able to get this done for free, think again.
  Remember it will cost you, whether the cost is time or money it will cost.
  However when you find the right person for you and invest the time to train them properly it is well worth the effort.
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