Business & Finance Blogging

How to Create a Blog - Create a Fast, Free and Easy Niche Blog

Creating a blog does not have to be very hard or expensive.
As a matter of fact, you can create a niche blog pretty fast and easy using free blogging services like Blogger and WordPress.
When you use a free service like Blogger, you only need to open a Google email account and you can sign up for a free blog.
Once you have signed up, you will see a variety of layout design templates to choose.
These are simple designs that help you set up your blog fast.
Before you start designing your site, you need to pick a title for your blog.
The title you decide on should reflect your subject or niche that you will be writing about.
Take your time and try to include any niche keywords in your title so that your page will have a better chance of appearing in the search engines.
After choosing a design, you will use the Layout feature to place the site elements where you want them to show up on your page.
This is all pretty user friendly and very easy to understand.
You can also change your design layout anytime you would like after you get going.
If you are planning to sell products or be an affiliate marketer, then you need to use the Blogger service instead of WordPress.
The free version of WordPress does not allow you to sell products or use it as a commercial site.
Blogger on the other hand, is owned by Google and they not only allow you to use your site to sell products, they have an easy way for you to set up AdSense on your blog.
AdSense is a Google affiliate program for advertising.
You can choose to have those little Google ad boxes on the sidebar of your site and you will get paid for any of the clicks to those ads.
Signing up for an AdSense account is free but please remember to read the Terms Of Service and follow the rules.
Once you have your site designed and have added any products or ads to your page, it is time to start writing posts that your visitors can read.
Adding posts to your site is very easy and self explanatory through these free blogging platforms.
If you have a hobby or are interested in making some extra money from a website, then creating a free niche blog is the thing for you.
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