- 1). Choose produce without bruising or blemishes, which allow pathogens to enter the fruit. This includes rind fruit since it can be contaminated when the knife transports to the interior of the fruit as it is cut.
- 2). Store produce such as apples, grapes and pears in tightly wrapped plastic in the produce crisper drawer to retard the growth of bacteria. Store naturally ripening fruit such as peaches and bananas at room temperature in a mesh bag in a cool, dry and dark place. Do not wash the produce before storing it in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
- 3). Scrub the fruit -- including rind fruit -- with a vegetable brush in a solution of 1 tbsp. chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of fresh clean water. Immerse the fruit in the solution for at least one minute while gently scrubbing it and changing the water frequently. Rinse the fruit thoroughly in clean running water.
- 4). Eat the fruit immediately or place it in bowls to be consumed within a reasonable amount of time.